Garavi Gujarat USA

Democrats revive US border security bill as election looms


THE US Senate’s Democratic leadership launched a doomed bid this week to resuscitat­e a sweeping border security bill killed by Republican­s as the party of president Joe Biden seeks the upper hand on a key election issue.

Polling has repeatedly identified illegal immigratio­n as voters’ top concern ahead of November’s presidenti­al rematch between Biden and his Republican predecesso­r Donald Trump, with illegal crossings from Mexico at historic highs.

In a weekend letter to senators, majority leader Chuck Schumer said he would bring the Border Act - hammered over months of negotiatio­ns by a Republican, a Democrat and an independen­t - back to the floor.

The measure was supported by Democrats facing tough congressio­nal elections, but blocked by Republican­s in February amid opposition from former president Trump, who is making the border a central campaign issue.

‘Back in January, the former president urged congressio­nal Republican­s to kill the bipartisan bill, telling the world proudly to ‘blame it on me’,’ Schumer said.

‘The American people do not have the luxury of playing partisan blame games. They want bipartisan action to secure our border.’

Republican­s see the bill’s revival as a political exercise intended to boost Democrats in tight races and deflect from Biden’s record on the border, which saw record illegal entries at the end of last year.

Schumer is vying to cling to a razor-thin 51-49 majority, with 10 Republican­s and 23

Democrats up for reelection in November and his five most vulnerable members all in seats where immigratio­n is a top issue.

The bill represents the strictest border crackdown in a generation but will likely fail even to get a simple majority - let alone the 60 votes required for passage.

Schumer acknowledg­ed that not every Democrat will support the legislatio­n, with Hispanic members and a handful of progressiv­es expected to join every Republican in voting no.

Republican House leaders issued a statement Monday saying the bill would be ‘dead on arrival’ if it ever came to the lower chamber for a rubber stamp.

 ?? Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer ??
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer

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