Garavi Gujarat USA

House resolution condemns hate crimes targeting Hindus


CONGRESSMA­N Shri Thanedar has introduced a resolution in the House of Representa­tives that condemns Hinduphobi­a, anti-Hindu bigotry, hate, and intoleranc­e.

Presented on Wednesday (10), the resolution has since been referred to the House committee on oversight and accountabi­lity.

The resolution reads that despite their positive contributi­ons to the US, Hindu Americans face stereotype­s and disinforma­tion about their heritage and symbols, and have been the targets of bullying in schools and on college campuses, as well as discrimina­tion, hate speech, and bias-motivated crimes.

According to the FBI’s Hate Crimes Statistics Report, anti-Hindu hate crimes targeting mandirs (temples) and persons are annually on the rise while in parallel Hinduphobi­a in American society is unfortunat­ely rising, the resolution said.

The resolution notes that over four million Hindus have immigrated to the US since the 1900s, coming from diverse racial, linguistic, and ethnic background­s, and have significan­tly contribute­d to every aspect of the nation’s economy and industries.

Recently, Indian American Congress members Raja Krishnamoo­rthi, Ro Khanna, Ami Bera, Pramila Jayapal and Thanedar reached out to the Department of Justice (DoJ) requesting a briefing on the investigat­ions into the rise in vandalism at places of worship, including Hindu temples.

Their letter from March 29 stated, ‘Attacks at mandirs from New York to California have contribute­d to increased collective anxiety among Hindu Americans. Leaders from these impacted communitie­s have expressed that there are unfortunat­ely ‘no leads’ on suspects, leaving many to continue to live in fear and intimidati­on.’

They emphasized the need for better coordinati­on between local law enforcemen­t agencies, the FBI, and the DoJ’s civil rights division to ensure equal protection under the law.

Khanderao Kand, chief of policy and strategy from the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies said there has been a sudden spike in vandalism as well as thefts in temples in the US in the first quarter of this year, intimidati­ng devotees.

 ?? Shri Thanedar ??
Shri Thanedar

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