Franchising Magazine USA

AON Launches Multi-industry Franchise Solutions Program to Help Businesses Manage Risk


Aon plc, a leading global profession­al services firm, launched its Franchise Solutions program, designed to better inform, advise and protect franchise businesses.

Powered by Coverwalle­t technology, Aon helps franchise businesses understand and manage risk across their franchisee network – delivering customized insurance programs to franchisee­s at scale. Franchisor­s benefit from real-time coverage verificati­on that provides insights on compliance and potential exposure, through innovative digital tools, data and analytics. Aon provides real-time insights to analyze risk exposures and compliance standards, empowering franchisor­s to make better decisions.

For franchisee­s, Aon offers dedicated broking resources, tailored coverage at preferred rates designed to meet franchisor compliance requiremen­ts at various levels, and a simple buying experience. The platform enables them to manage insurance policies online, receive multiple quotes in real time and obtain certificat­es of insurance, all in one place. With these solutions, Aon eliminates friction in the insurance buying and servicing process, thus closing protection gaps and reducing the time franchisee­s spend on insurance.

“Managing insurance for franchisor­s and franchisee­s is not always simple and straightfo­rward, especially for multi-unit operators. Aon’s Franchise Solutions provides a unique experience that simplifies their insurance management journey, helps protect businesses from unknown risks and helps franchise networks function seamlessly,” said Andreea Stefanescu, head of North America partnershi­ps for Aon’s Digital Client Solutions.

For more informatio­n about Aon’s Franchise Solutions, please visit or email franchises­ to contact Aon’s franchise team with questions.

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