First For Women


July 15 through August 9

- by Maressa Brown


(July 23–Aug. 22)

You’ll enjoy a burst of confidence from July 22 on. Channel it into a creative or heartfelt project! Around August 8, when the new moon falls in your sign, set a bold personal goal. Getting clear on what you want to achieve and taking steps in that direction is sure to empower you!


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

You’ll be glowing from the inside out around July 21, while beautylovi­ng Venus is in your sign. Prioritizi­ng activities that bring you pleasure boosts your joy even more! From July 29 on, you’ll have extra energy to give to projects close to your heart. Go for it!


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

You’ll find yourself collaborat­ing more with others while the confident sun is in your eleventh house of networking from July 22 on. Joining forces on a shared goal sets everyone up for a win! Come July 23, consider opening up to a loved one about your emotions. It can set a heartfelt tone!


(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Address an emotional issue on August, when the full moon is in your fourth house of intimate affairs. Being vulnerable can bring healing! Then, take the reins on a major project around August 8. You’ll prove your leadership abilities and earn recognitio­n!


(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

While the sun moves through your ninth house of adventure come July 20, take a new class or plan your dream trip. It’ll make for eye-opening joy! Then, around July 23, you could be feeling overwhelme­d by your to-do’s. A timeout benefits your mind and body.


(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Reflect on how your moneymakin­g plans show your values around July 23 when the full moon is in your second house of income. If a shift needs to occur, you have the power to take charge now. Then, on July 27, you’ll be feeling confident in your relationsh­ips. Emotional talks bolster bonds.


(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

You’ll be feeling especially sensitive when the full moon is in your sign on July 19. Spending time on hobbies you love helps you get centered. And from July 28 on, you’ll get the green light to make your dreams a reality. Trust you have everything you need to soar!


(Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

You should be able to enjoy more quality time with loved ones from July 21 on. Even simple moments (like taking in a sunset together) can bring you closer! From July 27 on, find new ways to bring balance into your daily hustle. Talking your plan through gets the wheels in motion.


(Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

With the confident sun in your fifth house of self-expression from July 17 on, you’ll enjoy a burst of creative energy. This can lead to connecting with loved ones in a fun-loving way. Come August 1, you may be reaching the end of a group project. Celebrate a collaborat­ive win!


(Apr. 20–May 20)

You’ll have more artistic energy from July 19 on. Dive into projects that let you tap into your imaginatio­n! On August 8, when the new moon falls in your fourth house of intimate affairs, consider starting a new tradition with family. It could make for sweet memories.


(May 21–June 20)

While the sun moves through your third house of communicat­ion from July 28 on, host exciting brainstorm­s with colleagues—it’ll boost your bliss! Then, around July 29, work with loved ones to accomplish projects at home. The team effort makes for applause-worthy results.


(June 21–July 22)

Your imaginatio­n should be amplified around July 24. You can easily put goals into words—or even action—now! Then, around August 8, zero in on an intention related to your cash flow. As you get the ball rolling, a passionate approach sets you up to soar!

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