First For Women

“I make up to $25,000 a weekend selling my jewelry at fairs!”


“I used to work full time in product developmen­t for the theme parks in Orlando, Florida, but it was getting hard to juggle the demands of working full time and being a mom. I had taught myself how to make jewelry, so I decided to travel to vintage markets and art festivals in Florida on the weekends to sell my wares. After a while, my business started growing, so five years ago, I quit my job and made the leap into selling jewelry full time.

“I sell bohemian and classic jewelry, which I price between $25 and $65. As my kids got older, I was able to expand to other markets. Now I travel two weekends a month in the spring and fall to big cities in the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee and Vermont. The markets I sell at attract tens of thousands of customers and are marketed to women as a girls’ weekend or a fun day out. I purchased an RV on Craigslist and set up a 30-foot by 10-foot area that looks like a mini boutique. I pay

$600 to rent out the space for each show. I market my business on my website (BeauxStudi­ and on social media with hashtags, but the market promoter also handles a lot of the marketing.

“I love this work because I get to explore new cities and have an escape for a few days. I also meet hundreds of women and see many of the same sellers at the shows, so there’s a lot of camaraderi­e. I make $12,000 to $25,000 at each show—money that pays the bills, goes toward my kids’ sports and for fun family trips!”

 ??  ?? Cherrah' Johnson, 42, Orlando, FL
Cherrah' Johnson, 42, Orlando, FL

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