Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Witness: Kenosha victim was belligeren­t, no threat

- By Scott Bauer, Michael Tarm and Amy Forliti

KENOSHA, WIS. » The first man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhous­e on the streets of Kenosha was acting “belligeren­tly” that night but did not appear to pose a serious threat to anyone, a witness testified Friday at Rittenhous­e’s murder trial.

Jason Lackowski, a former Marine who said he took an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to Kenosha last year to help protect property during violent protests against racial injustice, said that Joseph Rosenbaum “asked very bluntly to shoot him” and took a few “false steppings ... to entice someone to do something.”

Lackowski got up from the witness stand and demonstrat­ed what he meant by “false stepping.” He took a small step and slight lurch forward, then stopped.

But Lackowski, who was called as a witness by the prosecutio­n, said he considered Rosenbaum a “babbling idiot” and turned his back and ignored him. He admitted he didn’t see everything that went on between Rittenhous­e and Rosenbaum, including their final clash.

In other testimony, the prosecutio­n suffered a potential blow when Rosenbaum’s fiancee, Kariann Swart, disclosed that he was on medication for bipolar disorder and depression but didn’t fill his prescripti­ons because the local pharmacy was boarded up as a result of the unrest — informatio­n Rittenhous­e’s lawyers could use in their bid to portray Rosenbaum as the aggressor that night.

The judge allowed the defense to elicit testimony about Rosenbaum’s mental illness because prosecutor­s brought up mention of medication. Had prosecutor­s not touched on the topic, it is unlikely the judge would have let the defense bring it up.

On the day he was killed, Rosenbaum had been released from a Milwaukee hospital. The jury was told that much, but not why he had been admitted — after a suicide attempt.

Rittenhous­e, 18, is charged with shooting three men, two fatally, in the summer of 2020. The one-time police youth cadet was 17 when he went to Kenosha with an AR-style rifle and a medical kit in what he said was an effort to safeguard property from the demonstrat­ions that broke out over the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by a white Kenosha police officer.

Rittenhous­e is white, as were those he shot.

Prosecutor­s have portrayed Rittenhous­e as the instigator of the bloodshed, while his lawyer has argued that he acted in selfdefens­e, suggesting among other things that Rittenhous­e feared his weapon would be taken away and used against him.

On Thursday, witnesses testified that a “hyperaggre­ssive” Rosenbaum angrily threatened to kill Rittenhous­e that night and that Rosenbaum was gunned down after he chased Rittenhous­e and lunged for the young man’s rifle.

 ?? SEAN KRAJACIC — THE KENOSHA NEWS ?? Kyle Rittenhous­e during his trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Friday.
SEAN KRAJACIC — THE KENOSHA NEWS Kyle Rittenhous­e during his trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Friday.

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