Enterprise-Record (Chico)

More vaccines, fewer mask rules as US keeps fighting COVID pandemic

- By Jeffrey Collins and Mike Schneider

The United States is steadily chipping away at vaccine hesitancy and driving down COVID-19 cases and hospitaliz­ations to the point that schools, government­s and corporatio­ns are lifting mask restrictio­ns yet again.

Nearly 200 million Americans are fully vaccinated and the nation’s over-65 population, which bore the brunt of the pandemic when it started nearly two years ago, is enthusiast­ically em- bracing vaccines.

Nearly 98% of the over65 population has received at least one COVID-19 shot and more than 25% of them have gotten boosters, just weeks after they were authorized. The improving metrics could get a boost from President Joe Biden’s workplace mandate unveiled Thursday and the launch of COVID-19 shots in elementary-age students.

Seniors leading way

Seniors also are playing a role in getting other family members vaccinated. Erin Lipsker plans to get her 8-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son vaccinated as soon as possible so they can see her parents and her 98-year-old grandmothe­r. An added motivation is that Lipsker was treated for cancer two years ago, and her 8-year-old daughter, Kennedy, has asthma.

“The more children and adults are vaccinated, the quicker we will be able to resume a new normal. I want that for my kids. I want that for our planet,” said Lipsker, of Spokane, Washington. “I think I will feel much safer around our family. I have a 98-year-old grandmothe­r that my kids adore. I will feel safer having my kids around her, and my parents.”

But the pandemic has proven hard to control. In the U.S., winter is coming and diseases like COVID-19 often spread easier with people indoors and closer together. The worst surge in the nation happened last winter, before the vaccines were widely available.

While cases around the world are declining, the World Health Organizati­on

said this week new cases jumped by 6% in Europe, compared with an 18% increase the previous week. The U.S. plans to open its borders to internatio­nal travelers Monday.

The trends in the U.S. have health officials feeling better for the first time in months and hoping the progress will continue as long as a new variant doesn’t pop up or the rate of newly vaccinated people declines. But they have come to the conclusion that COVID-19 is going to be an issue for years to come.

The number of Americans in the hospital with COVID-19 is averaging around 42,000, the lowest number since the beginning of August, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The hospitaliz­ation dip matches a dip in overall cases. The U.S. is averaging 1,100 coronaviru­s deaths per day, down from more than 1,600 two weeks ago.

Slow return to normal

With hospital beds emptying, case counts declining and an increase in vaccinated people, however, it has been a slow return to a new normal. Louisiana’s Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards last week ended a face covering requiremen­t almost everywhere but schools, saying he was “optimistic, relieved that the worst of the fourth surge is very clearly behind us now.”

Memphis also ended its mask requiremen­t, and so did a number of schools around Atlanta as the spread of the virus decreased.

Amazon ended a mask mandate for most vaccinated workers in places where local or state rules don’t require them. Hawaii’s governor ended pandemic capacity limits on businesses like restaurant­s, bars and gyms, but owners must continue to enforce social distancing rules.

Color-coded virus maps that were a sea of red in September have started to turn yellow and blue in recent weeks, indicating a much slower spread of disease. The CDC says about 350 counties are now experienci­ng moderate or low transmissi­on, many of them in the Deep South.

In the U.S., nearly 60% of the population — more than 193 million people — are fully vaccinated. More than 21 million have received a booster dose, and those numbers are soaring each day. The average number of Americans getting booster shots has reached nearly 800,000 per day. That compares with about 265,000 people per day getting their first shot.

It’s still too early to know how many children under 12 have gotten shots in the three days they have been available.

Lagging behind are Southern and more rural states and that rural divide even extends to states with higher vaccinatio­n rates like Maine, where more than 70% of the population is vaccinated. Many of the rural states are starting to experience cold weather that is driving people indoors and creating ripe conditions for more virus spread.

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Jamie Onofrio Franceschi­ni, 11, watches as nurse Rosemary Lantigua prepares a syringe of the Pfizer COVID-19vaccine at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx borough of New York.
MARY ALTAFFER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Jamie Onofrio Franceschi­ni, 11, watches as nurse Rosemary Lantigua prepares a syringe of the Pfizer COVID-19vaccine at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx borough of New York.
 ?? DAVID ZALUBOWSKI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? A patient waits to be called for a COVID-19 vaccinatio­n booster shot outside a pharmacy in a grocery store in downtown Denver.
DAVID ZALUBOWSKI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE A patient waits to be called for a COVID-19 vaccinatio­n booster shot outside a pharmacy in a grocery store in downtown Denver.

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