Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Reflection­s on my month without mirrors

- Lizi Lee You can reach Lizi Lee at: asklizilee@gmail.com

Have you ever said to yourself, “I look good today,” only to change your mind a few minutes later after catching your reflection in the mirror? If that’s never happened to you, this story may seem silly. But for me, and perhaps for you too, it’s a familiar chain of thought.

It’s been a long time since I saw smooth skin in the mirror. I chuckle at a memory from years ago, when I was playing with one of my preschool-aged cousins who innocently asked, “why do you have all those holes in your face?” Pores, honey. My oily teenage pores!

The only thing more honest than a curious child is a mirror.

Honesty is good. But you know what they say about having too much of a good thing …

That’s why recently, I stepped away from my reflection. It didn’t start with a conscious choice of “I’ll go a month without looking in the mirror.” It was more of an abrupt reaction.

One evening as I did my usual bedtime routine of scrutinizi­ng myself in the bathroom mirror, I noticed a red mark beneath my eye. It stood out starkly on my pale face. After a checkup with Dr. Google, I realized it’s a broken capillary, likely caused by my fondness for boiling hot showers.

I was upset. Unlike a pimple which may be annoying but eventually goes away, burst capillarie­s do not heal. I stared at my face, which could be worse but could also be a lot better. Fine lines have etched themselves in my forehead even as my chin is still dotted with acne. I know it’s vain to care so much about superficia­l things, but I couldn’t stop myself.

That is, until I removed my reflection from sight. My bathroom mirror is attached to the door of the medicine cabinet. Frustrated at my own discontent­ment, I left the cabinet door wide open. The image of my face was replaced with nail clippers and a box of band-aids.

I didn’t close the cabinet for a month. Of course before I left the house I would take a peek to make sure there was no breakfast stuck in my teeth. But no more prolonged gazing. Since I don’t wear makeup and my hair is buzzed, I don’t need a mirror nearly as much as I thought I did.

Lack of reflection was liberating. Compulsive­ly checking my appearance had consumed too much of my mental energy. When I felt self-conscious I had projected those feelings onto everyone. If in the morning I disliked what I saw in the mirror, I assumed anyone I interacted with throughout the day would share the same opinion.

I guess this would be the place to discuss how culture often measures worth based on appearance, how media emphasizes impossible beauty standards, and the inundation of photoshopp­ed and filtered photos. But truthfully, I can’t blame society. I don’t even have an Instagram. The problem is my own perception and attitude.

Have you ever gone on a camping trip and returned sweaty and dusty yet feeling very grounded? Probably 90% of that is from being outdoors and away from the hassle of everyday life. For me, the other 10% comes from simply existing in my body. Our natural state is not supposed to be fixated on how others see us.

Going mirrorless didn’t magically cure all my insecuriti­es but it did give me a tiny taste of that camping serenity. Although in the future I’m not going to hide from mirrors like a vampire, I do want to have a healthier relationsh­ip with my reflection.

Mostly, it’s a list of things not to do. Not to inspect myself daily for wear and tear. Not to evaluate my image as a barometer to decide my mood for the day. Not to feel pretty or unpretty, but to not really think about it at all.

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