El Dorado News-Times

Biden signs bill to avert shutdown

President calls stopgap spending measure ‘bare minimum’

- MARIANA ALFARO AND TYLER PAGER Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Mike DeBonis and Tony Romm of The Washington Post.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden signed legislatio­n to fund the government through Feb. 18, averting a government shutdown that would have kept multiple federal services closed and employees out of work just weeks before the holidays.

The stopgap funding bill cleared Congress on Thursday night after some delays partly caused by a small group of Senate Republican­s who tried to seize on the deadline to fight Biden over his vaccine mandate and testing policies. Had the measure not passed, Washington would have essentiall­y come to a halt this morning, a developmen­t that Democrats had described as irresponsi­ble and dangerous in the middle of a deadly pandemic.

The stopgap measure means that, by Feb. 18, lawmakers must adopt another short-term measure or complete work on a dozen long-stalled appropriat­ions bills that fund the government for the remainder of fiscal 2022, which runs through September.

The funding bill, known as a continuing resolution, passed the Senate on a bipartisan 6928 vote late Thursday evening. Earlier in the day, it passed the House largely along party lines. Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is retiring at the end of his term, was the only Republican to vote for it.

The measure covers key federal agencies and programs until February and authorizes an additional $7 billion to assist Afghan refugees. Another $1.6 billion appropriat­ed in the bill will fund care for unaccompan­ied children who crossed the southern border and are in U.S. custody.

The bill, however, doesn’t address an array of unresolved policy issues and program funding that lawmakers had hoped to tackle before the end of the year, including impending cuts to Medicare and farm subsidies.

On Friday, Biden called the stopgap measure “a great achievemen­t,” but also the “bare minimum” one could expect from Congress.

Biden thanked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for ensuring passage of the bill and urged Congress to finalize a full spending bill in the coming weeks. Biden also thanked Senate Appropriat­ions Committee chair Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., vice chair Richard C. Shelby, R-Ala., and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who chairs the House Appropriat­ions Committee.

“I want to thank the substantia­l bipartisan vote in the Senate for sending this bill to my desk today to avoid disruption of government operations,” Biden said. “I want to urge Congress to use the time this bill provides to work toward a bipartisan agreement on a full-year funding bill that makes the needed investment­s in our economy and our people, from public health, to education, to our national security.”

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