East Bay Times

More than a ton of endangered pangolin scales seized in Thailand


BANGKOK >> Thai authoritie­s said Thursday they have seized more than a ton of pangolin scales worthmore than $1.4 million that are believed to have been headed out of the country through a land border.

The scales that cover a type of anteater were found Wednesday night in the northeaste­rn province of Kalasin and apparently were meant to be transporte­d through Mukdahan province, which shares a border with Laos, Thai police said at a news conference in Bangkok on Thursday.

Two male suspects, who were on a truck with the scales, were arrested and charged with the illegal possession of carcasses of protected animals, according to Ariyapol Sinsorn, the deputy chief of the Natural Resources and Environmen­tal Crime Division. The two men confessed to the charges, he said.

The pangolin scales, which have an estimated price of about $1,129 per kilogram, are suspected to have been brought from Malaysia to Thailand, to be transporte­d to Laos. From there, it was apparently headed for sale to clients in China, said Kamnuan Chan-anan, a regional deputy chief of the environmen­tal crime division. He said a further investigat­ion is being conducted to determine the route of transport.

The scales, displayed during the news conference in Bangkok on Thursday were dried and contained in fertilizer sacks bearing a Chinese character and different numbers. The authoritie­s said they suspect the numbers are used for marking the quality of the scales.

The amount of scales is estimated to come from at least 3,000 to 4,000 dead pangolins, wildlife protection official Prasert Sonsatahpo­rnkul said, adding that the scales will be tested to find out the species of the pangolins.

Pangolins are endangered and it is illegal to trade them. The animal's scales are used in traditiona­l Chinese medicine and contain keratin, a protein also found in rhino horn, though there is no scientific proof that they provide any medicinal value. Pangolin meat is considered a delicacy in Vietnam and some parts of China.

 ?? SAKCHAI LALIT — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Thai officer displays seized pangolin scales during a news conference at the Natural Resources and Environmen­tal Crime Division in Bangkok on Thursday.
SAKCHAI LALIT — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A Thai officer displays seized pangolin scales during a news conference at the Natural Resources and Environmen­tal Crime Division in Bangkok on Thursday.

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