East Bay Times

State needs to stop preschool suspension­s and expulsions, experts say

Proposed plan aims to halt the interrupti­on of key learning opportunit­ies

- By Karen D’Souza EdSource

Throwing a tantrum, crying inconsolab­ly, hitting or biting and refusing to follow the rules are challengin­g behaviors that many preschoole­rs experience on the playground and in the classroom.

For many children, these tearstaine­d incidents are quickly forgiven and forgotten, dismissed by caregivers as yet another tumultuous developmen­tal stage to be weathered. But for some youngsters, the incidents have repercussi­ons that resonate throughout their childhood and beyond.

That’s one of the reasons that California’s new Master Plan for Early Learning and Care, an ambitious 10-year plan to reform the state’s early childhood system, calls for prohibitin­g the suspension and expulsion of any child in state-subsidized early learning and care programs so that children are not deprived of opportunit­ies to learn at a critical stage in their growth. Such practices disproport­ionately impact children of color, particular­ly Black boys, experts say.

“There are times when young children get suspended or expelled for behaving like young children,” said Joseph Johnson, former dean of the College of Education at San Diego State University. “It is counterpro­ductive for our state to allow early care and education providers to exclude children at a time when they are most in need of support, care and guidance.”

In fact, preschool children, who often struggle to regulate their emotions, are expelled at rates more than three times higher than children in K-12 settings, according to a report from the Children’s Equity Project, a research organizati­on at Arizona State University. The National Survey

of Children’s Health found that an estimated 50,000 children under 5 were suspended, and 17,000 were expelled, across the nation in 2016.

“Expulsions in early childhood education vastly outnumber those in K-12. That needs to change immediatel­y,” said Mary Ignatius, statewide organizer of Parent Voices, a parent advocacy group. “Young children with big emotions due to living in poverty or living with trauma need support. We need to look at what their lives are like to understand their behavior.”

Equity in education has proved an elusive goal as racial disparitie­s persist. Black preschoole­rs, for instance, remain far more likely to be suspended than their white peers, according to the Civil Rights Data Collection, a national survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education. Black boys make up 18% of the male preschool enrollment, but 41% of male preschool suspension­s, and Black girls constitute 19% of female preschool enrollment, but account for 53% of female suspension­s, according to a Children’s Equity Project analysis of recent federal data.

“When it comes to racial disparity in suspension­s and expulsions, the bottom line is that we have zero evidence that Black children behave worse or have more frequent misbehavio­r,” said Shantel Meek, founding director of the Children’s Equity Project. “In other words, the behavior is not driving the disparity.”

Harsh discipline at such an early age can have lasting consequenc­es. Research suggests that children who are suspended in preschool are more likely to drop out of high school and become incarcerat­ed, according to the Center for American Progress, a public policy research and advocacy organizati­on.

“When children are excluded from services, they assume that they are not wanted, not valued and not capable of succeeding in school. What a devastatin­g message to communicat­e to any young child,” said Johnson, a founding member of Black Men for Educationa­l Equity, an advocacy group. “In contrast, healthy societies work diligently to communicat­e to their children that they are valued, brilliant and lovable because research shows that those early messages can have lasting impacts on children’s sense of worth and efficacy.”

How to dismantle the structural inequities that make some children more likely to get pushed out of the system than others remains a complicate­d matter. Raising awareness of the issue of implicit bias isn’t enough, experts say.

“We need reporting requiremen­ts where states and localities are required to report on disparity and are held accountabl­e for addressing it,” said Meek, who was a senior policy adviser for early childhood developmen­t in the Obama administra­tion. “We need coaching and training specifical­ly on bias, being aware of it in our decision-making and identifyin­g concrete ways to prevent it from manifestin­g into adult behaviors that hurt children.”

Some scholars suggest that the answers lie in gathering more comprehens­ive data. You can’t fix a problem if you can’t see it clearly.

Many also suggest that while prohibitin­g suspension­s and expulsions in the early years is a good first step, it won’t give overburden­ed teachers and caregivers the tools they need to engage these children effectivel­y.

“Even one child with behavior issues can be difficult and demanding and exhausting,” said Stanford University professor Deborah Stipek, an early education expert. “What if you have 20 children and a few of them are bouncing off the walls and you’re not trained in how to deal with them. How do you keep the other 18 engaged?”

To institute lasting change and increase equity in the early childhood world, advocates say, it will take a significan­t investment of resources. Suspension­s and expulsions increase, they say, with larger class sizes and longer days, key factors that place greater stress on children and adults.

“Policy change needs to be accompanie­d by funding for resources,” Meek said. “The hope is that money will accompany the implementa­tion of the plan to help address some persistent challenges associated with structural underinves­tment and systemic racism and bias.”

Johnson hopes the state’s new master plan will pave the way for substantiv­e investment­s in structural changes that promote equity.

“As a society, we have claimed to not have the resources to pay the price associated with these supports; however, we have chosen to spend much more when we have failed to educate millions of children,” Johnson said, “and we find ourselves responding to our failures through various social service systems or the prison system.”

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