Detroit Free Press

Jury at impasse in embezzleme­nt case

Judge tells deadlocked group to resume Tuesday

- Detroit Free Press USA TODAY NETWORK

Christina Hall

A Wayne County Circuit Court jury reported it was deadlocked on charges against attorney David Sutherland, who is accused of embezzling from trusts of former Carhartt leader and philanthro­pist Gretchen Carhartt Valade.

The jury deliberate­d about four and a half hours Monday, starting just before 9:30 a.m. It had a note about 3:20 p.m. indicating it was deadlocked.

Judge Paul John Cusick told jurors it had been a long trial and they had deliberate­d less than a day. He sent them home for the day, but told them to return Tuesday morning to continue deliberati­ons. The trial began May 15.

The Michigan Attorney General’s Office accused Sutherland of embezzling millions from Valade trusts when he served as trustee of them.

Sutherland is charged with two counts of embezzleme­nt over $100,000, one count of embezzleme­nt from a vulnerable adult of $100,000 or more and one count of conducting

criminal enterprise­s.

Each charge is a 20-year felony offense, the attorney general’s office previously said.

The trial wrapped up Friday after closing arguments. During the trial, about two dozen witnesses testified, including Sutherland, who took the stand last week.

Sutherland’s attorney, James Joseph Sullivan, told jurors during his closing that no crime was committed and his client had authority as trustee to manage the funds, and kept a complete, accurate record.

Valade, a businesswo­man, philanthro­pist and arts patron, died at her Grosse Pointe Farms home on Dec. 30, 2022. She was 97 and the granddaugh­ter of Carhartt Inc. founder Hamilton Carhartt.

Sutherland was arraigned in January 2023, less than two weeks after Valade died.

Contact Christina Hall: chall@ Follow her on X, formerly Twitter: @challrepor­ter.

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 ?? SARAHBETH MANEY/DETROIT FREE PRESS ?? Attorney James Joseph Sullivan, left, speaks with his client David Sutherland, after a hearing on Jan. 11, 2023.
SARAHBETH MANEY/DETROIT FREE PRESS Attorney James Joseph Sullivan, left, speaks with his client David Sutherland, after a hearing on Jan. 11, 2023.

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