Detroit Free Press

Free Press Marathon: Elite seeds are set

Local runners lead the way in new category

- Kirkland Crawford

Don’t be surprised when the times are a little faster at this year’s marathon.

The Detroit Free Press Marathon presented by MSU Federal Credit Union announced the top seeds for the Elite Field, the group of world-renowned runners who will compete in the annual race that spans the U.S.-Canadian border.

In April, race organizers announced it would feature this new category of athlete in the event. And since then, the goal of adding 100 elite runners to the Free Press Marathon has nearly been achieved.

So far, more than 90 athletes have entered the Elite Field for the men’s and women’s full marathon and men’s and women’s internatio­nal half marathon races. To enter this upper echelon, runners

had to submit times that qualified under “elite,” “seeded elite” or “subelite.”

Eight entrants in the men’s marathon field and 10 in the women’s field that

have personal bests better than the winning times in last year’s marathon.

It promises for a more competitiv­e front of the pack when runners fill the streets of downtown Detroit and Windsor

on Oct. 20 for the 47th annual event.

“We’re extremely proud of the quality of our first Elite Field, with many previous winners returning to compete in both the Marathon and Internatio­nal Half-Marathon,” Marathon vice president and race director Aaron Velthoven said in a released statement. “But the highlight for me is the depth and quality of our Michigan-based elites. Michigan and Detroit distance athletes will be on display come race day.”

The top seeds for the men’s and women’s races are Ferndale husband and wife Andrew Bowman (personal best, 2:15.52) and Sydney Devore (2:31.07).

The top three seeds in the men’s race are all from Michigan: Bowman; Noah Steffen, Grand Rapids and Zac Truman, Detroit.

The other top seeds for the women’s race: Maria Langholz, Washington; Katie Landau, Tacoma, Washington, and Danae Dracht, Detroit.

Runners can register for all of these events at freepmarat­

 ?? RYAN GARZA/DETROIT FREE PRESS ?? Runners make their return onto Woodward Avenue as they head toward the finish line in last year’s Free Press Marathon.
RYAN GARZA/DETROIT FREE PRESS Runners make their return onto Woodward Avenue as they head toward the finish line in last year’s Free Press Marathon.

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