The Decatur Daily Democrat



“Lifeboat” (1944):

Co-written by novelist John Steinbeck, Alfred Hitchcock’s excellent melodrama loads the title craft with survivors of a ship that was targeted and sunk by a U-boat ... with one of the U-boat’s crew members also on the lifeboat. Turner Classic Movies presents the film (whose stars include Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Wagner) on Tuesday, July 2.

“The Caine Mutiny” (1954):

Though a good chunk of this drama takes place in a courtroom, a sizable amount of it also unfolds at sea, where said mutiny occurs — and Humphrey Bogart is chillingly great as Captain Queeg.

“The Old Man and the Sea” (1958):

It’s basically Spencer Tracy and the ocean in this adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway novel.

“A Night to Remember” (1958):

The British “stiff upper lip” is evident throughout this version of the Titanic saga, made all the more effective by its straightfo­rward approach.

“The Last Voyage” (1960):

For this massively tense melodrama (which TCM also has on July 2), director Andrew L. Stone actually seemed to sink a ship, with Robert Stack playing a passenger trying to get his trapped wife (Dorothy Malone) off the vessel in time. And trust us, it turns out to be the nick of time.

“The Poseidon Adventure” (1972):

The film that really kicked off the disaster-movie craze of the ‘70s, producer Irwin Allen’s thriller bonds a group of passengers to climb upward to hoped-for rescue after their ship is overturned by a massive tidal wave.

“Jaws” (1975): The trio (Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss) that pursues a great white shark surely will “need a bigger boat.”

“Titanic” (1997): Well, of course. Though it incorporat­es fictionali­zed elements, director James Cameron’s Oscar-winning take on the disaster is the most visually stunning one to date, and it cemented the stardom of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

 ?? ?? John Hodiak, Mary Anderson and Canada Lee in “Lifeboat”
John Hodiak, Mary Anderson and Canada Lee in “Lifeboat”

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