Dayton Daily News

A 150-year-old law could put the abortion pill in peril, it appears

- Ruth Marcus Ruth Marcus is a political commentato­r and journalist who writes an op-ed column for The Washington Post.

Anthony Comstock would be delighted.

In 1873, Comstock, who headed the New

York Society for the Suppressio­n of Vice, persuaded Congress to pass “An Act for the Suppressio­n of Trade In, and Circulatio­n of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use.” Popularly known as the Comstock Act, a watered-down version of the law remains on the books today. Contracept­ives are no longer deemed “articles of immoral use,” but it is still a felony to mail any “article or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion.”

You know where this is going. The latter-day vice suppressor­s are trying to use the Comstock Act to make abortion medication­s, and maybe even all abortions, unavailabl­e — not just in states that prohibit the procedure, but nationwide. The two-drug regimen, mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l, has been approved for two decades and now accounts for more than half the abortions in the United States.

The deployment of this antiquated statute exposes the fallacy of the Supreme Court’s insistence that its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizati­on would simply return the question of abortion to individual states. Antiaborti­on activists aren’t stopping there.

And it illustrate­s how the medical landscape has been transforme­d by the ability to access abortion by taking pills rather than undergoing a surgical procedure. That developmen­t makes abortion easier and less expensive to access — and also harder to stop, even in states that ban it.

Enter the Comstock Act. Jonathan F. Mitchell is the lawyer who brought you SB8, the Texas law that banned abortion after six weeks and deputized private citizens to sue over violations, even before the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade. Mark Lee Dickson is a pastor and director of Right to Life of East Texas. Recently, they have been promoting local ordinances creating “sanctuary cities for the unborn” in states that protect abortion rights.

These ordinances hinge in part on the argument that federal law supersedes state abortion policies, and that the 150-year old Comstock Act makes it illegal for abortion providers or individual­s to receive abortion medication­s — or, indeed, any instrument­s used in performing abortions.

“The reality is we have a de facto abortion ban in these statutes [the Comstock Act] which have never been repealed by Congress,” Dickson told me. “I do believe that every single abortion facility in America is in violation of these statutes.” He didn’t just mean medication abortions — he meant all of them.

Meanwhile, 20 Republican attorneys general sent letters to Walgreen’s and CVS warning them against making the abortion medication­s available by mail. The drugstore chains had said they planned to seek approval to dispense the abortion medication­s that way after the Biden administra­tion dropped the requiremen­t that they be dispensed in person, and only at medical offices.

“The text could not be clearer” that the law prohibits the mailing of abortion medication­s, the attorneys’ general letter said. Perhaps most ominously, the Comstock

Act is also before a federal judge in Texas in a case challengin­g the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s approval of mifepristo­ne. The antiaborti­on group in that case argues, among other things, that the FDA’s approval contravene­s the Comstock Act.

Comstock biographer Amy Sohn called him “the man who did more to curtail women’s rights than anyone else in American history.” He may not be done with us yet.

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