Dayton Daily News

A comforting casserole perfect for cold winter days

- By Gloria Yoder Contributi­ng writer

Tonight I held a baggie with Austin’s first tooth, which just came out. I felt a wave of joy, but then a tug of sadness. How can it be? Is my little boy growing up that fast? Why, this is the same tooth we cheered over as it first made its appearance more than six years ago. Now, our little firstgrade boy was all smiles as he showed off his first tooth. I cheered with him. Surely these milestones will be memories forever.

His excitement centered around the missing tooth and the fact that mom would play the ‘missing tooth’ game with him. Finally, it was his turn to place his tooth in a baggie and stick it under his pillow for mom to take it during the night and swap it with a little prize. He sleeps on the top bunk, so I told him to be sure to place it on the side of the pillow where I can easily reach it. Eagerly he agreed to it. Truth be told, he’s been waiting on this for months, especially with Hosanna, who is close to two years younger than himself, lost two of her teeth last fall already.

Yes, little Hosanna, now in kindergart­en, is excited to have her turn as a first grader next term. Tonight she and I were chatting about various aspects of when she first came to our house when she was only 15 months old. I could hardly wrap my brain around the reality that this same girl is going to school next year — not only kindergart­en, but actually in first grade! How did it all happen?

She is as fascinated with words as Elijah is with numbers. She loves to “read” stories to her little brothers, or at other times she’ll sit on the couch or stand in the living room singing for up to an hour. Occasional­ly she’ll stop her songs long enough to preach a little sermon to her imaginary audience. It is those moments, especially, that I stand in awe. Indeed, God does heal and establish hearts, no matter what all they have gone through! You know, those good times give hope when the waters grow deeper again. I’m glad Jesus understand­s what it feels like to grow weary. Many, many times, I’ve found comfort in the verse that says Jesus is intercedin­g to the father for us. What love. What provision!

Hosanna is waiting for the day she is old enough to rescue a little girl with a mommy who cannot care for her. In her mind, now is the time for her to mother a needy child, not in years down the road. After some time, she accepted that she wouldn’t be able to foster or adopt a baby now. As an alternativ­e, she started a little treasure chest with baby clothes and all sorts of things babies may need. Her goal is to collect items in case Mom and Daddy would adopt a baby which she could help care for.

I told her that we have no way of knowing what God will have for our future, but that if he does send another baby for us to adopt, we’d be delighted to do just that. I admit, just talking about it gets my heart pumping. Surely one day the time will be right, but for today we’ll cherish the six he has given us.

Here is a delicious comforting casserole which is perfect for these cold winter days. It is always a hit when we take it somewhere. Enjoy this meatball sub casserole.


1-pound hamburger ⅓ cup onion

1 teaspoon salt

⅛ tsp. black pepper 12 slices bread

1 (8 oz) cream cheese or

sour cream

½ cup mayo or salad

dressing 1 tsp. Italian seasoning 2 cups Mozzarella cheese

(or your favorite)

1 (28 oz) jar pizza or

spaghetti sauce

1 cup water

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

Fry hamburger, onions, salt and pepper, then set aside. Arrange bread slices in a 9- by-13-inch baking dish. Mix cream cheese, mayo and Italian seasoning. Spread over bread slices then top with 1 cup of cheese.

Mix pizza sauce, water and garlic powder, add to drained hamburger. Pour this over cheese layer. Top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Very good! Serves 12

Note: This recipe can easily be divided in half or fourths.

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