Dayton Daily News

Iran’s uraniumenr­ichment plans add to U.S. concerns

- ByJonGambr­ell

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES— Iran said Saturday it plans to enrich uranium up to 20% at its undergroun­d Fordo nuclear facility “as soon as possible,” pushing its programa technical step away from weapons- grade levels as it increases pressure on the West over the tattered atomic deal.

The move comes amid heightened­tensionsbe­tween Iran and theU.S. in thewaningd­ays of theadminis­tration of President Donald Trump, who unilateral­ly withdrew America from Tehran’s nuclear deal in 2018.

That set in motion anescalati­ng series of incidents capped by aU.S. drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad a year ago, an anniversar­y coming today that has American officials worried about possible retaliatio­n by Iran.

Iran’s decision to begin enriching to 20% a decade ago nearly brought an Israeli strike targeting its nuclear facilities, tensions that only abatedwith the 2015 atomic deal. A resumption of 20% enrichment could see that brinksmans­hip return.

Even Ali Akbar Salehi, the U. S.- educated head of the civilianAt­omic Energy Organizati­on of Iran, offereda military analogy to describe his agency’s readiness to take the next step.

“We are like soldiers and our fingers are on the triggers,” Salehi told Iranian state television. “The commander should command andwe shoot. We are ready for this and will produce (20% enriched uranium) as soon as possible.”

The White House had no immediate comment and referredto­astatement­issued in December by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after Iran’s parliament passed a bill on increasing uranium enrichment. Pompeo condemned the lawas “nothing more than the regime’s latest ploy to use its nuclear program to try to intimidate the internatio­nal community.”

A spokesman for President-elect Joe Biden’s transition teamdeclin­ed to comment.

Iran’s decision comes after its parliament passed a bill, later approved by a constituti­onal watchdog, aimed at hiking enrichment to pressure Europe into providing sanctions relief. It also serves as pressure ahead of the inaugurati­on of President-elect Biden, who has said he is willing to re-enter the nuclear deal.

The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency acknowledg­ed Iran had informed its inspectors of the decision by a letter after news leaked overnight Friday.

“Iran has informed the agency that in order to comply with a legal act recently passed by the country’s parliament, the Atomic Energy Organizati­on of Iran intends to produce low- enriched uranium ... up to 20% at the Fordo Fuel Enrichment Plant,” the IAEA said in a statement.

The IAEA added Iran did not say when it planned to boost enrichment, though the agency “has inspectors present in Iran on a 24/ 7 basis and they have regular access to Fordo.” The parliament­ary bill also called on Iran to expel those inspectors, though it appears Tehran still hasn’t decided to take that step.

Salehi said Iran would need to switch out natural uranium in centrifuge­s at Fordo for material already enriched to 4% to begin the process of going to 20%.

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