Dayton Daily News

British PM faces frenzied week as Brexit deadline nears

- By Gregory Katz and Mike Corder

— British Prime Minister LONDON Boris Johnson faces a frenzied week of activity in Parliament, and possibly in the courts, as he tries to woo rebellious lawmakers in time to meet the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline.

Johnson has vowed to avoid needing yet another extension to that deadline, even though he has formally asked — in distinctly unenthused tones — for a delay that is being considered by European Union leaders.

EU officials haven’t yet responded to his request for more time. They are torn between a wish to finally put the Brexit issue to bed and a devout desire to avoid the economic ramificati­on of Britain leaving without a divorce deal in place.

Johnson on Sunday used surrogates to make the case that he likely has the votes needed to gain passage for his new Brexit plan and won’t need any delay.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the BBC he believes Johnson has enough support to get his deal through Parliament, but added the government would keep talking with its Northern Ireland ally, the Democratic Unionist Party, to persuade it to back the deal.

So far, the party, which holds 10 seats in Parliament, has refused to support Johnson’s agreement because it treats Northern Ireland differentl­y than other parts of the U.K.

“We’ll keep talking to the DUP and see if there’s any further reassuranc­es that can be provided,” Raab said.

The DUP votes might well give Johnson a comfortabl­e margin, but it seems steadfast in its opposition to the plan, which replaces an earlier divorce deal negotiated by Theresa May’s government but rejected three times by Parliament.

Monday will also feature more legal action, more arm-twisting, cajoling and veiled threats by Johnson and his ministers and more amendments designed by lawmakers to stymie Johnson’s plan to have Britain leave the 28-nation bloc on Oct. 31.

In the midst of all this, EU leaders and officials across the English Channel were pondering whether to grant the British leader a Brexit extension that he doesn’t even want.

As required by law, Johnson sent a letter to the EU late Saturday night seeking a delay to Britain’s impending Oct. 31 departure. He waited until the last possible moment, withheld his signature and immediatel­y followed it with a signed letter indicating that he doesn’t actually favor another Brexit extension.

“My view, and the government’s position, (is) that a further extension would damage the interests of the U.K. and our EU partners, and the relationsh­ip between us,” Johnson wrote to European Council President Donald Tusk.

His decision to send a second letter saying he doesn’t really want an extension is likely to trigger court challenges from opponents who believe he intentiona­lly set out to block Parliament’s intent even if he technicall­y complied with legal requiremen­ts.

The Court of Session in Scotland is already considerin­g the matter and it may end up being decided in the U.K. Supreme Court, which in September ruled that Johnson had acted unlawfully when he suspended Parliament for five weeks as the Brexit deadline crept closer.

Scottish National Party legislator Joanna Cherry, part of a group that brought the earlier successful case against Johnson, said the legal battle over Brexit continues.

“We’re back in court on Monday morning and it will be possible then to secure the court’s assistance if the prime minister has flouted the law and the promises he gave to the court,” she said.

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