Dayton Daily News



In A.D. 54, Roman Emperor Claudius I died, poisoned apparently at the behest of his wife, Agrippina.

In 1775, the United States Navy had its origins as the Continenta­l Congress ordered the constructi­on of a naval fleet.

In 1792, the cornerston­e of the executive mansion, later known as the White House, was laid by President George Washington during a ceremony in the District of Columbia.

In 1845, Texas voters ratified a state constituti­on.

In 1932, President Herbert Hoover and Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes laid the cornerston­e for the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington.

In 1943, Italy declared war on Germany, its one-time Axis partner.

In 1944, during World War

II, American troops entered Aachen, Germany.

In 1962,“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,”by Edward Albee, opened on Broadway.

In 1972, a Uruguayan chartered flight carrying 45 people crashed in the Andes; survivors resorted to feeding off the remains of some of the dead in order to stay alive until they were rescued more than two months later.

In 1981, voters in Egypt participat­ed in a referendum to elect Vice President Hosni Mubarak the new president, one week after the assassinat­ion of Anwar Sadat.

In 1999, in Boulder, Colorado, the JonBenet Ramsey grand jury was dismissed after 13 months of work with prosecutor­s saying there wasn’t enough evidence to charge anyone in the 6-yearold beauty queen’s 1996 slaying. In 2010, rescuers in Chile using a missile-like escape capsule pulled 33 men one by one to fresh air and freedom 69 days after they were trapped in a collapsed mine a half-mile undergroun­d. Ten years ago: On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average gained a shocking 936 points after eight days of losses. Five years ago: Gunmen abducted six Red Cross workers and a Syrian Red Crescent volunteer after stopping their convoy in northweste­rn Syria. (Four of the seven were released by the next day.)

One year ago: President Donald Trump accused Iran of violating the 2015 nuclear accord, but did not pull the U.S. out of the deal or re-impose nuclear sanctions. (Trump would pull the U.S. out of the deal the following May and restore harsh sanctions.) Attorneys general in nearly 20 states filed a lawsuit against the Trump administra­tion over the decision to end a federal subsidy under the Affordable Care Act that lowered outof-pocket medical costs for consumers with modest incomes.

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