Dayton Daily News

Trump’s political interests coincide with foreign forces

- He writes for the Washington Post. E.J. Dionne Jr.

Here is the issue raised by Facebook’s revelation­s this week about disinforma­tion that we need to face squarely: The political interests of the president of the United States coincide with the purposes of foreign forces using social media to divide us along the lines of race and culture.

President Trump’s refusal to make combating Russian interferen­ce a high priority, despite warnings from inside his own administra­tion, is obviously a scandal. It is also a telltale sign that our commander in chief is not at all motivated to turn back this threat.

This view is reinforced by Trump’s constant hectoring of Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russia’s interventi­on in the 2016 election. His outcries reached a kind of crescendo on Wednesday with a tweet in which Trump called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now.”

It’s hard to interpret Trump’s hostility to Mueller as anything but an expression of concern that the special counsel will unearth highly damaging informatio­n about him and his campaign.

It’s an establishe­d fact that the Kremlin and Trump were on the same side in the 2016 election. And so far, the online activity in connection with the 2018 elections — some of which is has been linked to the Kremlin’s Internet Research Agency — rather consistent­ly plays into rightwing propaganda and targets Democrats such as Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill.

The online meddling has a broader objective as well: to divide our country even more sharply than it already is and to weaponize racial and ethnic divisions.

Thus, some of the phony sites Facebook uncovered that were putatively “left-wing” highlighte­d themes related to immigratio­n (amplifying the “abolish ICE” message) and race (calls for counter-protests to a white supremacis­t demonstrat­ion scheduled for Aug. 11 and 12 in Washington).

In a carefully researched article published Monday arguing that “demographi­c change is fracturing our politics,” Vox’s Ezra Klein said bluntly: “There’s a reason why, when the Russians wanted to sow division in the American election, they focused their social media trolling on America’s racial divisions.”

In the face of active measures by our adversarie­s to widen our nation’s social gulfs, one might imagine a more responsibl­e leader trying to bring us together, to ease our anxieties and to stand against endless cycles of recriminat­ion.

Instead, Trump is working in tandem with these outside trolls to aggravate resentment, stoke backlash and incite his opponents.

On the very day that Facebook revealed the new influence operation and announced it had deleted 32 pages and accounts connected to it, Trump went to Florida for a rally where he rehearsed some of his favorite incendiary themes.

He said Democrats want to “open our borders, they want to let crime, tremendous crime, into our country.” For good measure, he also accused them of “trying to give illegal immigrants the right to vote.”

Understand­ing that Trump’s strategy of maintainin­g power rests on stoking the animositie­s explains why he has no apparent desire to contain cybercampa­igns organized overseas that advance the same objectives. He seems ready to tell them to keep on keepin’ on.

Doing so also underscore­s that battling the bots and the hackers is not primarily a technical question but a matter of political will and moral commitment. It requires resolute resistance to the forces turning us against each other.

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