Dayton Daily News

Senate rejects bipartisan immigratio­n plan Top Democrats had held out faint hopes that the bipartisan package would prevail, or at least force Trump to negotiate further. But he proved unwilling to fold on his demands for a tougher bill, reflecting the h

Proposal offered by Trump also fails to get enough votes.

- By Alan Fram and Kevin Freking

The Sen- WASHINGTON — ate rejected both a bipartisan immigratio­n plan and a more restrictiv­e proposal by President Donald Trump on Thursday, suggesting the latest election-year debate on an issue that fires up both parties’ voters will produce a familiar outcome: stalemate.

Facing a White House veto threat and opposition from the Senate’s GOP leaders, the chamber derailed a plan by bipartisan senators that would have helped 1.8 million young immigrant “Dream- ers” achieve citizenshi­p. It also would have doled out $25 billion for Trump’s coveted wall with Mexico and for other border security measures, but it didn’t go as far as Trump wanted in curbing legal immigratio­n.

It lost 54-45, six short of the 60 votes that were needed for passage. That scuttled what had seemed the likeliest chance for sweeping immigratio­n legislatio­n to make it through the Senate this year.

Trump’s own plan fared even worse as 60 senators voted no and just 39 voted for it — 21 shy of the 60 needed. The embarrassi­ng outcome for the president underscore­d the feelings of Republican­s concerned about election damage in swing states with high numbers of Hispanic voters. grants brought to the U.S. illegally as children who risk deportatio­n because they lack permanent authorizat­ion to stay.

Trump annulled the Deferred Action for Child- hood Arrivals program, or DACA, that President Barack Obama created that’s protected the Dreamers. He’s given Congress until March 5 to restore the program, though federal courts have blocked him temporaril­y from dismantlin­g it.

Senate leaders opened the day’s debate by trad- ing blame. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., assailed Demo- crats for failing to offer “a single proposal that gives us a realistic chance to make law.” Instead, he said, Dem- ocrats should back Trump’s “extremely generous” proposal.

Instead, Democratic leaders rallied behind the bipar- tisan plan. Eight Republican­s joined most Democrats in backing that compromise, while three Democrats joined most GOP senators in oppos- ing it.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Trump has “stood in the way of every single proposal that has had a chance of becoming law.” He added, “The American people will blame President Trump and no one else for the failure to protect Dreamers.”

Overnight, the Department of Homeland Security said in an emailed state- ment that the bipartisan pro- posal would be “the end of immigratio­n enforcemen­t in America.”

That drew fire from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., one of eight GOP co-spon- sors of the bipartisan plan. “Instead of offering thoughts and advice — or even con- structive criticism — they are acting more like a political organizati­on intent on poisoning the well,” Graham said in a statement.

T he bipartisan com- promise was announced Wednesday by 16 senators with centrist views on the issue and was winning support from many Democrats, but it faced an uncertain fate.

Besides opposition by the administra­tion and leading Republican­s, the bipartisan plan prompted qualms among Democrats. The party’s No. 2 Senate leader, Dick Durbin of Illinois, said some Democrats had “serious issues” with parts of the plan. Those concerns focused on its spending for Trump’s wall and its prohibitio­n against Dreamers sponsoring their parents for legal residency.

The bipartisan measure’s sponsors included eight GOP senators. It was produced by a group led by Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Joe Ma n chin, D-W.Va., that spent weeks seeking middle ground.

The moderates’ measure would not have altered a lottery that distribute­s about 55,000 visas annually to people from diverse countries. Trump has proposed ending it and redistribu­ting visas to other immigrants, including some who are admitted based on job skills, not family ties.

Also rejected was a more modest plan by McCain and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. It would have let many Dreamers qualify for permanent residency and directed federal agencies to more effectivel­y control the border by 2020. But it didn’t offer a special citizenshi­p pathway for Dreamers, raise border security funds or make sweeping changes in legal immigratio­n rules.

A proposal by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., was killed that would have added language blocking federal grants to “sanctuary cities,” communitie­s that don’t cooperate with federal efforts to enforce immigratio­n laws.

 ?? LAWRENCE JACKSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? (From left) Sens. Mike Rounds, R-S.D.; Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska; Susan Collins, R-Maine; Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., discuss immigratio­n legislatio­n.
LAWRENCE JACKSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES (From left) Sens. Mike Rounds, R-S.D.; Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska; Susan Collins, R-Maine; Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., discuss immigratio­n legislatio­n.

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