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Man behind mask in ‘Force Awakens’ says it’s all in eyes

Costume reveals a lot about Kylo Ren actor says.

- By Meredith Woerner

His identity shielded by a scuffed-up mask, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens’” villain Kylo Ren could be mistaken for a DIY cosplayer if his rage and malevolent powers weren’t so intimidati­ng. But behind each scar is something more.

We spoke with Adam Driver, the face behind the eyeless mask of Ren, and probed his thoughts on digging into the dark side and rooting out his place in the First Order, the new iteration of the Empire.

Q: Did you have any input in what the mask would look like? Or do you just show up on set, and they said, “This is it”?

A: I think they had a lot already figured out. Then I had some input on (the mask) once I got there. But it was mostly suggestion­s such as, “Oh, I can’t move,” or “I can’t see.”

The eyes were a thing that J.J. (Abrams, the film’s director) and I talked about early. I thought what was so great about the (Darth) Vader mask was how you projected your emotions onto him, and you could see his eyes. I was kind of nervous that in being fully cloaked, you have to really rely on the power of thought, and that it’s powerful enough that it will get through being concealed. Then J.J. actually took out the eyes out of the mask, to make it a void, which I thought was really interestin­g.

Q: Do you think that void relates to your character?

A: The costume really says a lot about him before he says anything. (Kylo Ren’s) helmet is unpolished and unfinished. It’s not refined. It’s shiny in parts and reflects back what it sees. These are all metaphors that you can’t really play, but it’s good informatio­n. His lightsaber, you got the sense that it was homemade, and it could spontaneou­sly combust at any minute. It didn’t really seem like it was really reliable. Q: It cackles. A: Yeah, it works, but maybe it’s not fully realized. The costume — even putting it on at first — was very uncomforta­ble and tight. But there was something about someone who decides to completely hide themselves that I felt was kind of interestin­g, and maybe that’s hopefully worked its way into the movie.

Q: Why would someone who’s aware of the history of “Star Wars” be fanatical about the Empire or the New Order?

A: It’s two sides of people that think they’re right. That’s just something that J.J. and I talked about from the very beginning. Just being evil for the sake of it didn’t seem interestin­g to play. The idea of two sides thinking that they’re both right, both sides kind of commit this mass murder. You have the Death Star (that was destroyed) and all the people that were on there, they all had families and things like that. The line between the light and the dark is very fine, I’d say.

Q: Where does Kylo Ren stand in the hierarchy of the Empire?

A: That’s difficult to say. I think it fluctuates.

Q: So who are the Knights of Ren?

A: It was a group that existed before him, that he was a part of. Their place within everything is maybe more of a satellite group than I would say. This is really tricky.

Q: Is that why everything that you have is a bit broken down?

A: No, there’s definitely a history that you see in the costume of things in the past right away. They’re kind of like visible scars, on his outfit. In part to intimidate but also because he’s carrying along this history of people.

Q: Signing up to be in the new “Star Wars” is such a massive undertakin­g. What was it like working with the legacy players? Was it ever intimidati­ng?

A: I didn’t find them to be people who would say, “Let me sit you down and tell you what your experience is going to be on this.” They gave you space and let you find this on your own.

JESSE ?? Adam Driver plays the villain Kylo Ren in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”
GRANT / GETTY IMAGES AND LUCASFILM PHOTOS JESSE Adam Driver plays the villain Kylo Ren in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

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