Dayton Daily News

Report: More young adults get coverage

And 2.1 million of 2016 sign-ups are younger than 35.

- By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Midway WASHINGTON— through sign-up season, more young adults are getting coverage through President Barack Obama’s health care law. The number of new customers is also trending higher, officials said Tuesday in an upbeat report.

Outside analysts who reviewed the administra­tion’s update said it reflects encouragin­g progress, but that may not dispel questions about the longterm future of the health insurance markets created under Obama’s 2010 overhaul. Premiums have been going up and getting new sign-ups remains a challenge. Administra­tion statistics also showed some continuing problems verifying the citizenshi­p and income of applicants for


coverage. Consumer advocates say those issues generally stem from the complexity of the law, and that many people who run into verificati­on problems simply drop out. Some become uninsured again.

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell said more than 8.2 million people signed up or renewed coverage for 2016 from Nov. 1 through Dec. 19. Open enrollment ends Jan. 31. People who remain uninsured after that risk rising fines.

“We’re off to a strong start,” Burwell said Tuesday, noting that the numbers reflect only the 38 states using the website and call center. Major states running their own programs, including California and New York, were not counted in Tuesday’s report, and their totals will be factored in later.

About 2.4 million people who’ve signed up are new to, said Burwell, ahead of last year’s levels.

And 2.1 million are under age 35, a coveted demographi­c because young adults tend to be healthy and their participat­ion helps keep premiums in check.

The number of younger adults who have signed up is close to double what it was at this point last year.

Obama’s health care law offers subsidized private health insurance to people who don’t have access to job-based coverage. This year nearly 85 percent of customers nationwide are receiving assistance that averages $271 a month.

Between the insurance markets and the law’s Medicaid expansion for low-income people, the health care law has helped bring down the nation’s uninsured rate to 9 percent, a historic low. That translates to more than 16 million people gaining coverage since the law passed five years ago.

Independen­t analysts said the administra­tion should be able to meet or exceed its ultimate goal, which is having 10 million people signed up and paying premiums at the end of 2016.

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