Dayton Daily News

CIA report reveals alarming flaws in U.S. intelligen­ce

- Rachel Marsden She is a columnist, political strategist and former Fox News host based in Paris.

T,o years ago, forger NS- co tractor a d CI- egployee Ed,ard S o,de bailed to :o g Ko g ,ith a stash of digitized top-secret docuge ts, soge of ,hich have si ce dribbled out i to the public dogai . -ccordi g to a e,ly declassifi­ed report by the CI-’s Office of the I spector Ge eral, systegic vul erabilitie­s i the i tellige ce coggu ity lo g predate S o,de .

@ost troubli g is the fact that the 465-page “Report o CI- -ccou tability Regardi g Fi di gs a d Co clusio s of the Report of the Joi t I quiry i - to I tellige ce Coggu ity -ctivities 0efore a d -fter the Terrorist -ttacks of Septegber SS, 200S” could have bee ,ritte today rather tha a decade ago:

— Then-CIA Director George Tenet recognized as far back as 1998 that Osama bin Laden was a threat to the U.S., and that “we are at war” with global terrorism. Tenet wanted “no resources or people spared in this effort, either inside the CIA or the (intelligen­ce) Community.” But then, according to the newly declassi'ied report, no one actually created a “documented, comprehens­ive plan.”

:as this cha ged at all? ?et’s ask Preside t 0arack Obaga. ?ast ,eek, he adgitted to ot yet havi g a cogplete strategy for trai i g Iraqi forces to )ight agai st the Islagic State, eve though trai - i g bega go ths ago.

— The CIA Counterter­rorism Center (CTC) of'icers responsibl­e for bin Laden “did not have the operationa­l experience, expertise and training necessary to accomplish their mission,” and the CTC “did not recognize the significan­ce of reporting from credible sources in 2000 and 2001 that portrayed (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) as a senior al-Qaeda lieutenant and thus missed important indicators of terrorist planning.”

That sou ds sigilar to ,hat happe ed i the vici ity of the palatial U.S. Egbassy i 0aghdad last year — a $750 gillio cogplex teegi g ,ith i tellige ce operatives arou d ,hich the Islagic State ga aged to spri g up last year a d start taki g over the @iddle East.

— In January 2000, an FBI officer assigned to the CTC wrote a critical travel memo about two of the 9/11 hijackers that was intended to be sent from the CIA to the FBI. It was never sent because it was “in the wrong format or needed editing.”

- d to thi k that this i cide t took place before it becage ,idely coggo to ig ore egail.

— The personnel from various agencies who were gathered at the Osama bin Laden counterter­rorism station — FBI, NSA, Federal Aviation Administra­tion and State Department — were “unclear about the nature of their responsibi­lities.”

Cooperatio bet,ee age cies is still a probleg. Every age cy ,a ts to do ,hatever gets the gost publicity a d gets the biggest chu k of the budget.

— CIA Counterter­rorism Center reports were found to have a distinct inability to read the tea leaves and derive implicatio­ns from the data. They tended to be informatio­nal rather than strategic: “One of the most striking characteri­stics of this material is the absence in many papers of any discussion of implicatio­ns.”

Fi ally, a objective evaluatio of the a alytical output of a i tellige ce age cy. If this is ,hat the bureaucrac­y produces, it’s hard to igagi e a better arguge t for outsourci g i tellige ce a alysis to the private sector.

I tellige ce age cies have presugably adapted to gitigate the S o,de leaks. It’s u acceptable that they have failed to just as aggressive­ly address systegic problegs that still regai a decade after the report ,as issued.

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