Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Pipeline battle with apartment Delco residents goes on

- By Bill Rettew brettew@21st-centurymed­ia.com @wcdailyloc­al on Twitter

“All Middletown Township residents deserve better — they deserve transparen­cy and to know that their elected officials and local government will advocate in their best interest. Despite our best efforts, the township has decided to work for Sunoco … they are acting as an agent for Sunoco by hiding informatio­n that should be transparen­t.”

— Steve Iacobucci, property manager of the apartment complex

MIDDLETOWN » A tug of war for informatio­n is ongoing between Mariner East pipeline builder Sunoco/Energy Transfer and Glen Riddle Station Apartments.

In December of 2020, Steve Iacobucci, property manager of the apartment complex, which was the site of heavy pipeline constructi­on for more than six months, filed a right-to-know request.

Iacobucci seeks 489 emails and other correspond­ence passed from June 2019 to the present time between Middletown Township and Sunoco/ET. So far Sunoco and the township have refused to release the documents, he contends.

At the heart of Iacobucci’s open record RTK request are emails concerning what he said was a $1.8 million Sunoco payment to the township. An easement was granted for township-owned Sleighton Park.

The property manager is disappoint­ed that the township’s lack of a response defied an April ruling to release the informatio­n from the Office of Open Records. Sunoco and the township both appealed the office of open records decision to the Court of Common Pleas.

“All Middletown Township residents deserve better — they deserve transparen­cy and to know that their elected officials and local government will advocate in their best interest,” he said. “Despite our best efforts, the township has decided to work for Sunoco … they are acting as an agent for Sunoco by hiding informatio­n that should be transparen­t.”

Middletown Councilman Mark Kirchgasse­r denied those claims.

“Middletown Township has provided over 3,200 pages of documents to Glen Riddle Station apartments in response to their right to know requests. There are some sensitive settlement documents that have been withheld because they are protected by the provisions of the Right to Know Law,” he wrote in a statement.

“The transactio­n where Middletown provided seven easements to Sunoco in exchange for $1.8 million and the subsequent use of those funds was conducted openly in public meetings, widely reported and posted for the public’s view on the township website. Middletown has and continues to provide full transparen­cy during the Mariner East constructi­on work in our township,” he wrote.

Pipeline constructi­on took place directly through the heart of the 124-apartment complex, with several residents living just feet away for, what Iacobucci said, was fluid leakage, unsafe noise levels that could lead to hearing loss and a waterline break. Sunoco/ET provided porta-potties and bottled water, while insisting that the water be turned back on prior to testing.

The Mariner East pipeline weaves across Pensnylvan­ia, Ohio and West Virginia from Marcellus Shale deposits to the refinery in Marcus Hook, Delaware County. The right of way runs alongside more than 40 schools and other high density area of Delaware and Chester counties. The by-product of fracking will be used to produce plastics for foreign markets.

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 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO - LORA SNYDER ?? A bird’s eye view of pipeline constructi­on at Glen Riddle Station Apartments.
SUBMITTED PHOTO - LORA SNYDER A bird’s eye view of pipeline constructi­on at Glen Riddle Station Apartments.

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