Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com



Every election the politician­s bring up abortion to split the blue-collar vote. My thought on this is if someone told me they were pro-choice, I would say I understand. If somebody told me they were pro-life, I would say I would understand. If a person came up to me and said, I’m against birth control, I’d say what the hell is wrong with you? JUST WONDERING DAN


Question to Rep. Scanlon: If a president shuts down newspapers, jails journalist­s, that’s abuse of power. Well several presidents did so, including President Lincoln, whom Rep. Scanlon quoted. As far as obstructio­n of Congress, President Obama did the same thing with Eric Holder refusing to answer to Congress for Fast and Furious. Please ask Rep. Scanlon to answer those questions. DAWN


What a disgrace. Social Security. I really don’t know how most senior citizens and retirees deal with making it on Social Security. After the deduction came out for the plan A on Medicare, we got five dollars a month raise. Wow! All I got to say is one thing: Thank God for unions. The pension I have keeps me way above water. I don’t know how people do it without pensions. LOCAL 542


So our lieutenant governor and our governor is letting criminals out of jail. Which one is crazy? Both? Thank you Kat Copeland for letting us know. You were a great district attorney. Keep up the good fight for the victims and their families. Crazy Democrats! God bless.


Hey, Old Media Mustang: All Trump did was speak the truth about Baltimore. Oh, that’s right. You Democrats don’t like the truth. What a joke. DISGUSTED


I have a suggestion for all these Weeping Willows that are moaning and groaning about the incoming Democrats coming into County Council and the DA’s office. I see Trump is going to activate the space force. Maybe they could go get active and join the space force. There’s certainly something they could do in there. Maybe they could cross-stitch crying towels at the space force bowling alley. I’m angry here on Acres.


God bless my soul. I suppose I’m getting a view of the afterlife here. It’s coming out very soon. It appears as if I’m going to die in a Twilight Zone. Our representa­tive laid out the path, huh? That’s gracious. I can’t take it all the same day, Mary Gay and Jodine. Ad as far as the funds for Boeing goes, 427 people voted on that. Trump is the one that raised the military budget to give Boeing extra money. Go ahead, go for it. You need to sell papers, Phil.


I’m glad there was a picture of Mary Gay Scanlon on the cover of the Times holding a copy of the Constituti­on. This is supposed to be the guiding document of our country and the Republican­s just use it for a doorstop or maybe something to even out a crooked table leg because they certainly don’t read it and they certainly don’t follow its rules.


Hey Jodine Mayberry: I just got done reading your opinion. I thought I was reading a Libertaria­n piece in Friday the 13th, I thought you were a Lefty.


Hey, Mary Gay Scanlon: If you ever lose your day job, you could be an extra on The Walking Dead. SHIFTY SHIFTY


To Jeanette G: Do you realize how many parents, family members and friends you have ripped wide open their wounds that will never heal, that always for the rest of their lives, they will feel pain of losing a loved one and not knowing why. My sincere sympathy and prayers go out to everyone who has lost a loved one in this manner. SEEKING THE TRUTH JOAN


Rep. Scanlon and Rep. Dean are wrong. The president did not betray the American people. Rep. Scanlon and Rep. Dean did by the wasting $40 million dollars.

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