Daily Times (Primos, PA)


- JB

Just a shout-out thank you to the person who found my raincoat on the ground at Harrah’s this past Thursday and left it on side mirror. I had no clue that I had even dropped it. Much appreciate­d. LORRAINE


Yo, “Pros & Cons!” Congratula­tions on your Monday Sound Off. You actually used facts to describe numerous achievemen­ts of President Obama. However, you stated President Trump has accomplish­ed many things. What? You stated he loves our flag and our Pledge of Allegiance. Is that why he used a lame excuse of bone spurs to avoid the draft? When asked which foot had the bone spurs,he couldn’t remember! Your most outlandish, unsupporte­d statement was that he is pro-life. Would you call someone who keeps children in cages, separates them from their parents with no record so they could later be reunited, doesn’t provide water, soup, toothbrush­es, nutritious food, etc., prolife? Would a pro-life individual be against a minimum wage increase that would improve the lives of the poorest among us, try for three years to repeal Obamacare without any replacemen­t plan, significan­tly cut the SNAP food program which assists the poor, elderly, disabled, mentally ill, and others who have a difficult time getting a job? Would a pro-life person, when his girlfriend, Marla Maples, informed him she was pregnant, respond, “... and what are we going to do about this?” Pro-life? President ConMan will say anything to get your vote. Judge him by his horrendous actions, not his hollow words. BILL FROM BROOMALL


My sister is sitting here reading the Sunday Times and just looked up to me and said, “I can’t stand reading Christine Flowers’ articles. She’s so prejudice, she can’t even see it.” I said, “She can see it but she is too evil to care about less fortunate people or people who are different. She can’t work out of the box so don’t keep torturing yourself by reading her small-minded articles. She’s so self-centered she thinks that because she says her father fought for civil rights, she gets an automatic medal.” My father fought in the Korean war and I don’t get automatic benefits from the Navy. NO FLOWERS PLEASE


When President Trump spoke to a group of Jewish Americans he referred to “your country” (Israel) and “your prime minister” (Netanyahu). Saying the four congresswo­men of color are “not capable of loving the U.S.” is more of the same: if you aren’t a white Christian, Trump can’t see you as an American.


Trump again showed his deplorable character with his racist statements against the congresswo­men this week. For you feeble-minded Trump supporters who think it wasn’t racist, telling someone to “go back to the country they came from” has been expressed by racists for no less than two generation­s. But Trump was proven to be a racist long before those words passed his lying lips. He also said, “If you are not happy here you can leave” and “If they don’t want to fight for our country they should leave.” Can you believe old bone spurs said that? Guess it’s time for him to leave. It’s sickening to think of this coward being commander-in-chief of the armed forces. FEELING ILL


I still believe that the majority of people in Delco and around the U.S. are better and more decent people than some of the people whose items get printed here. The ones who moan about “the poor” and immigrants getting “free stuff” because, of course, these complainer­s all worked super hard for everything they have. These are usually people who never saw a $100 billion military expenditur­e they didn’t love. But worst of all, I can just about guarantee that the majority of these people consider themselves good (enter name of religion here). And that they probably believe in a vengeful God. Good thing for them that I’m not God. I’d have a special place reserved for the likes of them - and it wouldn’t be anywhere in heaven.

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