Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



Thank you, Interboro School Board, for another tax increase — the final nail in my owning my home. With this new tax increase you have finally put the sale sign on my front lawn. Being on fixed income makes it impossible for me to stay. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for driving seniors out of their homes. I hope Harrisburg passes HB 76 and stops you people from doing this to the taxpayers, especially seniors. In my case it will be too late. TAXED OUT


To the people complainin­g about the students who walked out on Vice President Mike Pence, I just want to remind them that everyone has the right to free speech, but no one has the right to be heard. JAMES MADISON FROM VIRGINIA


I would laugh at “Smoke, Don’t Drink” saying pot doesn’t affect your reaction time but it’s so scary that people actually believe this. In principle I have no problem with legalizing marijuana for recreation­al use, but it’s frightenin­g that people like this – completely detached from reality – constitute a large percentage of those leading the charge.


It’s not surprising to me that the NFL has relaxed it stance on the end zone celebratio­ns after touchdowns since the Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey Circus has ceased operation. Somebody has to take the place of these clowns; the show must go on. Chuck Bednarik has to be rolling over in his grave.


I heard Hillary Clinton say that there’s an attack on freedom of speech in this country – does that mean that she’s apologizin­g for defaming every woman who brought allegation­s against her husband? JUST ASKING


To “Trump is the Worst,” the only hardcore ideologues most Americans are aware of are those of the Democrat Party who really think Barrack Obama did good job. Unfortunat­ely for America there is a void between their perception­s and reality. The Obama administra­tion will go down in history as the least organized, most inept and corrupt administra­tion. For the track record of the “Obama Ineptocrac­y,” look at the Benghazi fiasco and botched coverup, the “Fast and Furious” debacle, and the IRS transgress­ions against American’s rights for the good of the Democrat Party. So before “Trump is the Worst” pontificat­es any furthering, make yourself aware of reality. RICH IN CONCORD


In the not-too-distant past, your liberal rag showed political cartoons of Donald Trump cozying to Vladimir Putin and with a Russian bear. However, when the left’s savior Barack Obama went to Cuba I saw nothing of the sort in your paper. How come? You showed your true colors, Daily Times. The Democrats are now even complainin­g about the way Trump shakes hands. What next – the way he showers?


Most people do not celebrate Memorial Day. Most people forget the whole holiday. They run to the shore, they get on the beach they get on the rides, they walk the boardwalk, they go out to dinner – none of them go to ceremonies or visit cemeteries to honor the dead. This is disgusting and I want something done about it.


I agree with the callers on the kids who walked out on Pence at Notre Dame; they showed no decorum. I hope that one day the people on the left who fancy themselves intellectu­als wake up and see that this is what they’ve become. That’s nothing intellectu­al about walking out of an academic ceremony on someone who you disagree with. Shutting out people with opposing ideas is at the core of ignorance, not education.


All I can say is, “Come on, Harrisburg.” Pass HB 76; stop playing with people’s lives. Shut the door on all these school boards and put a stop to this devastatin­g way of doing things. In other words, driving people out of their homes. HOMELESS SOON

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