Daily Press

Powell should be remembered for his honesty and patriotism

- By Trudy Rubin Trudy Rubin is a columnist and editorial board member for the The Philadelph­ia Inquirer. Email her at trubin@phillynews.com.

As soon as I learned that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had died Monday, my mind flashed back to his infamous U.N. speech on Feb. 5, 2003, in which Powell pressed for a war to disarm Iraq. I can’t forget my unease as I watched him — on TV in northern Iraq, where I was awaiting the start of the Iraq war.

I was stunned. It was already widely known that Saddam Hussein had no nuclear weapons — despite Bush administra­tion claims. Moreover, it was clear on the ground in Iraq that U.S. troops would face a broken nation on the brink of ethnic and religious civil war, even if the invasion went well.

Powell himself prescientl­y tried to warn President George W. Bush in 2002 that an invasion would saddle the United States with huge Iraq burdens, coining what became known as the Pottery Barn rule: “If you break it, you own it.”

Still, despite his skepticism, this soldier-statesman somehow was conned by bad intelligen­ce briefs and inserted them into a U.N. address that he later admitted would “blot” his record forever. Indeed, that speech figures prominentl­y in all the obituaries about Powell’s passing from COVID-19 complicati­ons (amidst a battle against cancer that had weakened his system against both the disease and the vaccine).

Yet, that blot, although hard to ignore, shouldn’t overshadow the greatness of the man.

So what Powell will be remembered for goes far beyond his profession­al achievemen­ts. It can be summed up in a word: “character.”

Of course, his character underlaid his achievemen­ts, which were enormous, and deserve listing. Born in New York City to Jamaican immigrants, he rose to become the youngest and first Black chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He oversaw the first, successful Iraq War in 1991 and laid out the Powell Doctrine, calling for applying military might only with overwhelmi­ng and decisive troop strength.

He served as national security adviser under President Ronald Reagan and became the first Black person to serve as secretary of state under President George W. Bush. Although he had long considered himself a Republican, he endorsed Barack Obama, praising “the inclusive nature of his campaign.”

Indeed, it was that search for inclusivit­y, and worry about increasing incivility in politics that was a hallmark of his political outlook dating from the 1990s, when he considered, then ruled out, running for president. He said he lacked “a calling.” Perhaps he understood how ugly partisan politics was already becoming.

He finally abandoned his effort to “help the party of Lincoln move once again close to the spirit of Lincoln” when the GOP became the party of Donald Trump. He rightly labeled Trump a liar.

After the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on at the Capitol, Powell said he no longer considered himself a member of Trump’s GOP. “We need people that will speak the truth,” he said.

So it’s not surprising that, as deeply felt tributes pour in from Powell’s close associates, many come from those who are lean to the left and left-center of the political spectrum.

But what’s more surprising is the outpouring from GOP Trump supporters in Congress, many too cowardly to publicly adopt Powell’s principled stance.

They include Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., a Trump acolyte in the House minority leadership, who refuses to reject the Big Lie about a stolen election, who said, “America has lost a true leader and American patriot.” Similar accolades have flowed from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, whom Trump recently endorsed, along with Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., who leads the GOP Senate campaign committee.

Maybe they never noticed when Trump called Powell a “stiff ” who brought on the 2003 Iraq war (which Trump originally supported, despite lying about it). Or maybe these Trumpists are trying to have it both ways, appealing for votes from people of color by showering Powell with accolades, while embracing a leader whose lies drove Powell out of the GOP.

Perhaps they secretly recognize that Colin Powell stood for principles most Americans still want their leaders to embody but they are too weak to emulate: decency, honesty, inclusiven­ess, love of country, and the elevation of those values above partisan politics and pursuit of office.

We can only wish his legacy would inspire others to follow suit.

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