Daily Press

Northam endorses McAuliffe

Current governor calls predecesso­r a ‘visionary’ for state

- By Sarah Rankin

RICHMOND — Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday he is backing Terry McAuliffe in the race to succeed him, handing his predecesso­r one of the contest’s most coveted endorsemen­ts.

Speaking at an event at Waterside in Norfolk, Northam said McAuliffe was a “visionary” with tireless energy who is best suited to lead Virginia out of the economic recovery from the pandemic and cement the transforma­tional changes Democrats have implemente­d since taking control of state government.

“Let’s all get behind him. Let’s keep Virginia blue, and let’s win in November,” said Northam, who under Virginia law cannot seek a consecutiv­e term in office.

McAuliffe, the presumptiv­e front-runner in the five-person Democratic primary to be held in June, has been methodical­ly locking up and rolling out an unmatched number of endorsemen­ts and said he was honored to have Northam’s.

A former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and top party fundraiser who was in office from 2014-18, McAuliffe has promised that increased education spending would be his top priority. He’s also pledged to work to accelerate Virginia’s minimum wage increase to $15 by 2024 and said during a debate Tuesday night that he would push to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Northam’s senior political adviser, Mark Bergman, said the governor met with all the Democratic candidates except Lee Carter, the only socialist in the House of Delegates, who did not seek his endorsemen­t.

Northam’s decision likely will be a disappoint­ment for supporters of state Sen. Jennifer McClellan and former Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy. Both are running what could be history-making bids — either would be Virginia’s first female governor and the nation’s first Black female governor.

McAuliffe’s decision to enter the race after he decided against a run for president in 2020 rankled some Democrats, who say it’s time for a new generation of leadership.

Also in the race is Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who is facing two unresolved allegation­s of sexual assault that are widely seen as impossible to overcome. Fairfax strenuousl­y denies the allegation­s and has said he thinks voters will see through what he calls a smear campaign against him.

The Nov. 2 general election will give voters a chance to weigh in on the direction Democrats have taken the state. In addition to the governor’s race, voters will pick the attorney general, lieutenant governor and all 100 seats in the House of Delegates.

“If Virginians had any doubt about what they could expect from a Democrat in the Governor’s Mansion, Ralph Northam just eliminated it with his endorsemen­t of Terry McAuliffe. Northam’s time as Governor has been marked by scandal and poor leadership,” former House Speaker Kirk Cox, one of the seven candidates seeking the Republican nomination in the race, said in a statement.

Cox noted that McAuliffe was among those who called on Northam to resign after a scandal exploded in early 2019 over a racist photo in Northam’s medical school yearbook.

Northam apologized for the photo and pledged to spend the rest of his term rebuilding trust and addressing Virginia’s long history of racism and inequity.

Among McAuliffe’s other endorsemen­ts: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representa­tives Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Rep. Elaine Luria, 34 members of the General Assembly and 11 members of the Virginia Legislativ­e Black Caucus.

Among the co-chairs of his campaign are two of the state’s most powerful Black lawmakers: House Majority Leader Charniele Herring and Senate President Pro-Tempore Louise Lucas.

The Democratic primary is scheduled for June 8. Republican­s have opted to whittle down their field at a convention May 8 that will be held at sites across the state.

 ?? STEVE HELBER/AP ?? Gov. Ralph Northam, left, speaks during a news conference along with Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Thursday at Waterside in Norfolk.
STEVE HELBER/AP Gov. Ralph Northam, left, speaks during a news conference along with Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Thursday at Waterside in Norfolk.

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