Daily Press (Sunday)

Democracy tanking


Recent letter submission­s about how to save the republic totally overlook the root causes of our slide into a dysfunctio­nal nation. First, eliminate the Electoral College that allows one voter in less populous states to basically negate a thousand voters in more populous states. It never made sense when first adopted and still doesn’t.

Second, eliminate gerrymande­ring that basically keeps the same representa­tives in their seats until they quit or die. Both parties are corrupt in this effort, and it keeps popular legislatio­n from being implemente­d. A Republican congressma­n was recently asked about his possible vote for funding border protection, and he stated he wouldn’t vote for anything that would give President Joe Biden a win. With the House declaring the Senate border bill dead on arrival before members read it, it still becomes an election issue.

Third, the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United that gave First Amendment rights to corporatio­ns unleashing billions of super PAC dollars to campaigns with no accountabi­lity as to where that money came from. The past election cycle had more than $5 million going to two candidates running for one seat in the state senate, running negative adds that would be slanderous if it wasn’t for election purposes.

Fourth, news organizati­ons basically ignore sitting representa­tives after they’re elected. When was the last time you saw any network or publicatio­n question a representa­tive on their vote? There’s an hour and a half of evening news regurgitat­ing the same stories with 10 weather updates. They can do better.

— Jeff Allen, Hampton

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