Daily Press (Sunday)

Trump said to privately favor 16-week abortion ban

Rape, incest among national exceptions he backs, insiders say

- By Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan

Former President Donald Trump has told advisers and allies that he likes the idea of a 16-week national abortion ban with three exceptions, in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother, according to two people with direct knowledge of Trump’s deliberati­ons.

Trump has studiously avoided taking a clear position on restrictio­ns to abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned in the middle of 2022, galvanizin­g Democrats before the midterm elections that year. He has said in private that he wants to wait until the Republican presidenti­al primary contest is over to publicly discuss his views, because he doesn’t want to risk alienating social conservati­ves before he has secured the nomination, the two people said.

Trump has approached abortion transactio­nally since becoming a candidate in 2015, and his current private discussion­s reflect that same approach.

One thing Trump likes about a 16-week federal ban on abortions is that it’s a round number.

“Know what I like about 16?” Trump told one of these people, who was given anonymity to describe a private conversati­on. “It’s even. It’s four months.”

When discussing prospectiv­e vice presidenti­al candidates, Trump often asks whether they are “OK on abortion.”

He is instantly dismissive when he hears that a Republican doesn’t support the “three exceptions.” He tells advisers that Republican­s will keep losing elections with that position.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, Trump told advisers he believed

the decision was going to be harmful to Republican­s. Since then, he has formed the view that the abortion issue is overwhelmi­ngly responsibl­e for a string of Republican losses in congressio­nal races.

And he is aware of his own vulnerabil­ity: He appointed the three justices who enabled that decision, a fact he has publicly claimed credit for in several settings. Those statements have already been included in ads, and Democrats plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to remind voters of that fact.

In backing a 16-week ban, Trump would be trying to satisfy both social conservati­ves who want to further restrict access to abortions and Republican and independen­t voters who want more modest limits on the procedure.

Abortion is currently banned before 16 weeks in 20 states, including Trump’s home state of Florida. The type of ban that Trump has

discussed privately would restrict abortion rights in the remaining 30 states where it is legal beyond that point. And the question of exceptions limited to the life of the mother is also controvers­ial.

In Texas, state courts have ruled that women did not qualify for the limited exceptions for “life-threatenin­g conditions” related to pregnancy, even in cases where their fetus faced a severe diagnosis and the woman’s future fertility and health were jeopardize­d.

In a statement, Karoline Leavitt, a spokespers­on for Trump, did not address his private remarks.

“As President Trump has stated, he would sit down with both sides and negotiate a deal that everyone will be happy with,” Leavitt said, adding that he “appointed strong constituti­onalist federal judges and Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the decision back to the states, which others have tried to do for over 50 years.”

Trump, who described himself as supportive of abortion rights for most of his adult life, announced in early 2011 as he considered running for president in the Republican primary that he now was anti-abortion.

Yet Trump never appeared comfortabl­e discussing it.

In early 2016, in an interview with television host Chris Matthews, Trump said there needed to be “some form of punishment” for women who had illegal abortions, a comment his campaign quickly walked back.

At the time, Trump had to convince skeptical social conservati­ves that he would implement anti-abortion policies and pick socially conservati­ve justices, and he selected a deeply conservati­ve vice president in Mike Pence to help with the persuasion effort.

Since then, Trump has delivered on that and has formed a powerful connection of his own with evangelica­l voters, so he has felt less of a need to pander to them. After Roe was overturned, Republican­s have struggled to find ways to talk about abortion now that they can no longer simply say they oppose it. The concept of a national ban of some sort has become a focus, with a 15-week federal abortion ban emerging as the baseline many anti-abortion activists have set for Republican candidates.

A 16-week ban would not end many abortions; nearly 94% of abortions happen before 13 weeks in pregnancy, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nor is such a ban grounded in medical research. Even 15 weeks falls before the point when significan­t screens take place in a pregnancy to examine the fetus for rare — but potentiall­y fatal — conditions. Instead, it has become a position that some Republican­s, based on polling, believe will be the most politicall­y palatable to voters.

An AP/NORC poll released in July 2023, a year after Roe was overturned, showed a slim majority approve of a ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy. In the survey, Democrats mostly supported such a measure, and Republican­s mostly opposed it. A six-week ban polled poorly among a majority of Americans, including Republican­s, while a majority of Americans didn’t support allowing abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, according to the survey.

One of Trump’s allies, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., introduced legislatio­n in 2022 calling for a 15-week abortion ban with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother after that window closes.

Trump never backed the bill, which other prominent Republican­s distanced themselves from, and he said as recently as last fall that the decision should be left up to states to decide. A leading anti-abortion group criticized him for that statement, but its leader was appeased after meeting with Trump and Graham.

There are signs that embracing any sort of national ban is unpopular with broad swaths of independen­t voters and potentiall­y risky for Trump. For instance, in Virginia, efforts by Gov. Glenn Youngkin to rally voters around what his campaign called a “15-week limit” in November failed, and Democrats surpassed expectatio­ns in the state’s legislativ­e elections.

So far in this Republican nominating contest, in which primary voters generally reward candidates for opposing abortion rights, Trump has avoided answering the question of whether he’d support a national ban. Instead, he talks about abortion as if it were a real estate transactio­n. He has taken credit for giving “great negotiatin­g power” to anti-abortion activists.

 ?? KENDRICK BRINSON/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Former President Donald Trump campaigns Wednesday in Charleston, S.C.
KENDRICK BRINSON/THE NEW YORK TIMES Former President Donald Trump campaigns Wednesday in Charleston, S.C.

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