Daily Press (Sunday)

New books to get you through winter

A veteran’s dismay, Kate DiCamillo, Chris Bohjalian and more

- By Chris Hewitt Chris Hewitt is interim books editor for the Minneapoli­s Star Tribune.

It’s chilly out there, people. It’s reading time!

We’re in the best time to read all those books we got in the fall and at the holidays — while nestled in a Slanket, with a cup of tea, of course. Fortunatel­y, publishers are keeping the promising titles coming. As you plot your reading Excel spreadshee­t for winter and spring (that’s a thing, right?), here are upcoming titles to reserve slots for.

“An American Dreamer: Life in a Divided Country” by David Finkel.

I’ve already read Laurie Hertzel’s upcoming (rave) review of Pulitzer Prize winner Finkel’s nonfiction look at an Iraq War veteran who is disillusio­ned by the political divides ripping apart the country he fought for — and doesn’t give up. You can dive into the book when it’s published on Feb. 13.

“The Blueprint” byRae Giana Rashad.

Set in both 1800 and 2030, this debut novel is about a Black woman named Solenne who escapes from her dreary life — she’s forced to be the lover of a white senator in the near future, when choice no longer exists — by writing about an ancestor named Henriette. As she works, she realizes what they have in common: Both are enslaved. Feb. 13.

“Candy Darling” by Cynthia Carr.

Carr’s complex, urgent biography of artist David Wojnarowic­z, “Fire in the Belly,” was a phenomenal achievemen­t. Here, she turns her attention to the transgende­r Andy Warhol “superstar” whose life was not as glamorous as it appeared. March 19.

“The Deerfield Massacre” by James L. Swanson.

If you couldn’t put down Swanson’s riveting “Manhunt,” about the search for John Wilkes Booth after he assassinat­ed Abraham Lincoln, the historian has a new challenge for you. It’s the true story of a deadly, little-remembered 1704 clash between colonists and Indigenous people. Feb. 27.

“The Demon of Unrest“by Erik Larson.

The insomniac in the latest nonfiction from the author of “The Devil in the White City” and “Thunderstr­uck” is Abraham Lincoln. In the first five months of his presidency, he stayed up nights worrying about: state after state seceding from the U.S., a secretary of state who was plotting against him and the souls of millions of enslaved Americans. April 30.

A woman is summoned by a famous mystery novelist to help him write a memoir and, possibly, figure out what happened to his family, who vanished two decades ago. It’ll be interestin­g to see how the press tour goes for the pseudonymo­us Finn, who became a superstar when he published the 2018 blockbuste­r “The Woman in the Window” but whose star dimmed when The New Yorker revealed that many of his claims about himself were untrue. Feb. 20.

“End of Story” by A.J. Finn.

“Ferris” by Kate DiCamillo. The world is lucky to have DiCamillo writing in it. Even luckier that she’s prolific. In addition to “Orris and Timble: The Beginning” kicking off a new series in April, she has the middle-grade “Ferris,” with a title character who shares traits with other DiCamillo heroines: She’s a spirited tween, dealing with extraordin­ary circumstan­ces and rambunctio­us relatives. March 5.

“The Husbands” by Holly Gramazio.

I had only to read the first chapter to know that the Star Tribune would need to review this funny, suspensefu­l novel. After a night of many cocktails, Lauren returns to her London apartment to be greeted by a menacing stranger who somehow broke in, won’t leave her alone and claims to be her husband. As the title suggests, he’s not the only spouse. April 2.

“Lies and Weddings” by Kevin Kwan.

The “Crazy Rich Asians” writer returns with another comic novel that includes a big wedding, family deception and piles of cash. May 21.

“The Light Eaters” by Zoë Schlanger.

The staff reporter at The Atlantic concentrat­es on climate and the environmen­t in a book of popular science that aims to reveal that plants have saved us, time and time again. She also explains how they pull that off. May 7.

The Irishman can write all the novels he wants about Jesus’ mother (“The Testament of Mary”) and Henry James (“The Master”). But

“Long Island” by Colm Tóibín.

what readers have been clamoring for is more Eilis Lacey, who came to America from Ireland in “Brooklyn.” “Long Island” is set a couple of decades after “Brooklyn,” when Lacey’s homeland beckons her. May 7.

Does a painting discovered in an art gallery hold the key to the life story of a poet, who is addicted to pills and booze? He thinks so, so he journeys into the past, with the help of a dying painter who lives in the Brooklyn Museum. Jan. 23.

“Martyr!” by Kaveh Akbar. “My Heavenly Favorite” by Lucas Rijneveld.

If your tastes veer more to discomfort, this Graywolf

Press novel might be the ticket. The title character is a Dutch farmer’s daughter who believes she is meant to be a boy. Which presents a dilemma for a veterinari­an who sympathize­s with the child and possesses a few surgical skills. March 5.

“The Princess of Las Vegas” by Chris Bohjalian.

The premise sounds goofy, but in the hands of the author of “The Flight Attendant” and “The Lioness,” it holds promise. An American whose job is impersonat­ing Princess Diana Spencer in a Vegas cabaret act is drawn into the murder of a casino’s owner. Did she do it? Did the senator boyfriend who’s dumping her? Or her mysterious sister? Maybe the paparazzi struck again? March 19. “Sipsworth” bySimon van Booy. Look, Ann Patchett is not just a great novelist (“Tom Lake” ). She’s also a voracious reader and the owner of a bookstore. So when she writes “I loved it” on the cover of a book (italics hers), you listen. The novel is about an octogenari­an named Helen who, after the death of her husband and son, feels ready to join them. Until she finds a new reason to live. May 7

“The Sleepwalke­rs” by Scarlett Thomas.

The descriptio­n of this chiller had me at the word “gothic” and then grabbed me when it name-dropped “Strangers on a Train” author Patricia Highsmith. It’s about a newlywed couple whose honeymoon gets weird fast because of a hotel owner who seems to want to get with the husband. There also are ominous stories about previous hotel guests whose vacation ended when they drowned. April 9.

“This Strange Eventful History” by Claire Messud.

The “Emperor’s Children” novelist spins a tale that draws on her own family’s itinerant history. Messud follows a clan over seven decades, from Algeria in the 1940s to the United States in the 2010s. May 14.

“Table for Two” by Amor Towles.

“A Gentleman in Moscow” and “The Lincoln Highway” may have been Towles’ biggest sellers, but my favorite is his witty “Rules of Civility,” about bright young things in midcentury Manhattan. These six stories return to that “Civility” world. April 2.

“Where Rivers Part” by Kao Kalia Yang.

A Hmong woman named Tswb flees her family’s war-torn village in Laos, meets a man, escapes to the U.S. and raises her children, who include the author of this memoir. A Guggenheim fellow, Yang also has a book for young people, “The Rock in My Throat,” coming this spring. March 19.

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