Daily Press (Sunday)

New virus cases in Va. decline, despite slowing of vaccinatio­ns

- By Elisha Sauers Elisha Sauers, 757-839-4754, elisha.sauers @pilotonlin­e.com

About 200 new coronaviru­s cases are being reported daily in Virginia, down 78% from a month ago and the lowest rate since the beginning of April 2020.

With just 2.6% of standard nasal swab tests coming back positive for COVID-19, flat with the previous week, the pandemic’s retreat has continued throughout the state and Hampton Roads, despite the slowing of vaccinatio­ns, according to Virginia Department of Health data.

Over the past six weeks, the state’s average vaccinatio­n rate has dropped 64%. In mid-April, the state was administer­ing some 78,000 shots a day. That rate has since fallen to about 28,000.

If transmissi­on does accelerate again, the lower level of infections reduces the likeliness Virginians will see a surge of cases this summer that matches the rise of this past winter.

Under the worst-case scenario, with lax behavior and more contagious variants spreading, the state could expect a peak of 36 daily cases per 100,000 people in mid-August, according to a recent forecast by the UVA Biocomplex­ity Institute. The peak in January was 68.

The university’ s pandemic data scientists say a factor that could lead to another uptick is the so-called “delta variant,” a form of the virus spreading in India. The World Health Organizati­on has deemed it a global concern, now identified in 62 countries. The variant represents perhaps 1.3% of COVID-19 cases in the United States, according to the UVA report.

And research suggests it moves at a much faster clip than the U.K. variant.

Whether the delta variant will be able to “break through” and infect vaccinated people remains to be seen, the report said.

To reduce the impact of a surge, public health officials are cautioning unvaccinat­ed residents to continue wearing masks, keeping 6 feet from others and washing hands frequently.

But fewer people are wearing face coverings and observing social distancing practices. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention relaxed guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to stop wearing masks outdoors in crowds and in most indoor settings.

Gov. Ralph Northam also lifted Virginia’s indoor mask mandate and eased all social distancing and capacity restrictio­ns about a week ago. Public transporta­tion, health care facilities and prisons remain a few of the exceptions that still require masks.

The state of emergency in Virginia will continue through the end of June to provide flexibilit­y for local government and to support ongoing vaccinatio­n efforts. Masks will continue to be required in K-12 public schools because of low rates of vaccinatio­n among children.

So far, there have been about 526,200 confirmed coronaviru­s cases and 11,222 suspected deaths in the state.

During the past week, 13 people were reported to have died from the virus in Hampton Roads: four in Newport News; three in Chesapeake; two in Norfolk; and one each in Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, and Accomack and York counties.

The number of coronaviru­s cases in the United States rose to 33.3 million last week, according to Johns Hopkins University, and about 597,000 Americans have died. Around the globe, 172.3 million people have had confirmed infections, with 3.7 million deaths.

As has been the case for nearly the entire pandemic, Virginia Beach’s count of new infections was the highest in Hampton Roads. The city reported 86 new cases over the past week, followed by Norfolk, with 50, and Hampton, with 49.

High caseloads are expected in bigger cities, but sometimes communitie­s with fewer people see greater rates of new cases per capita. Hampton led the area with the highest rate, with about five per 100,000 people. By comparison, South Hampton Roads cities all had rates of two or three per 100,000.

In Eastern Virginia, about 70% of hospital beds are occupied, the lowest level in six months, according to data from the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Associatio­n. Intensive care unit hospitaliz­ations have decreased for 10 weeks, and emergency room visits for coronaviru­s-like symptoms have also fallen for about eight weeks.

About 3.8 million Virginians, or 45% of the population, had been fully inoculated as of Friday. Those figures now include people in the state who have been vaccinated through the military, Veterans Affairs and federal prisons. Approximat­ely 55% of Virginians have at least one shot.

All Virginians ages 12 and older are eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine, now that Pfizer has received emergency use authorizat­ion for the younger age group. Pediatrici­ans, pharmacies, state and federally-run clinics and some schools will offer shots to older children and young teens.

Here’s a l ook at the pandemic around the region. Some cities saw elevated numbers two weeks ago due to a vendor reporting a backlog of cases:

Virginia Beach reported 86 new cases, with a daily case average of 12, down from 16.

Norfolk reported 50 new cases, with a daily case average of seven, down from 13.

Newport News reported 40 new cases, with a daily case average of six, down from 22.

Chesapeake reported 44 new cases, with a daily case average of six, down from 12.

Portsmouth reported 19 new cases, with a daily case average of three, down from six.

Hampton reported 49 new cases, with a daily case average of seven, down from 16.

James City County reported 12 new cases, with a daily case average of two, down from three.

York County reported three new cases, with a daily case average of zero, down from five.

Suffolk reported 14 new cases, with a daily case average of two, down from three.

Williamsbu­rg reported two new cases, with a daily case average of zero for the third consecutiv­e week.

For other pandemic data, go to www.vdh.virginia.gov/ coronaviru­s.

For more informatio­n on where to find vaccines, visit vaccinate.virginia. gov or www.vaccines.gov. For phone assistance, call 1-877-VAX-IN-VA.

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