Daily News (Los Angeles)

Beware, brazen porch pirates

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@Heloise.com.

DEAR HELOISE >> For the third time this year, someone has walked up to my front porch and taken a package that was delivered.

We got a doorbell camera, but since the person is a total stranger, we don't know who it is we're looking at when we review the pictures. We bought a special lockbox for packages, and someone stole that as well.

I have an elderly neighbor who opened her door as a porch pirate was in the process of stealing a package. When she told him to put the package down, he kicked her in the stomach, knocking her to the floor. She was bruised and terrified.

The whole experience has caused her to have panic attacks because she fears they will come back again. She is so scared of being attacked again that I collect her mail for her and place it against the door so she won't have to walk to the curb.

What can we do about these degenerate­s who steal from people and terrorize the elderly?

— Lana T., Orlando,


DEAR LANA >> There are several things you can do:

First, make sure your property is well lit. This is especially important if you arrive home after dark or in the fall and winter when it gets dark early. A good doorbell camera-light combo is helpful as well because it does a good job of lighting up a person's face.

You can install a camera system that also allows you to talk to anyone trying to steal your packages. You can shout at them that the police are on their way. You can get a P.O. box for all your packages or have them delivered to your office or the office of a friend or relative who will watch over your item.

Believe me, you're not alone. One in three people have had a package stolen from their front porch. The average cost is about $110 to replace the item.

DEAR READERS >> Did you lose a beloved pet? Here's what to do:

• Contact all local veterinari­ans and animal shelters and organizati­ons and give them a flyer with a detailed descriptio­n of your pet.

• You might want to offer a reward for anyone who finds your pet.

• Tell your neighbors and post signs with your phone number at the bottom in large letters.

• Some people will place an ad in the local paper and/or place a sign on both sides of their car.

DEAR HELOISE >> Every morning, almost without fail, I have to hunt for my keys. I've tried leaving them on the kitchen counter, but someone always moves them and I get to spend 30 minutes hunting for my lost keys. How do you keep track of your keys?

— Samuel L., Shelton,

Washington Samuel, do you have an entry table where you could place a decorative bowl? I place my keys in one, and that's where they stay until I need them again. Or you might want to leave them on a hook near a door.

Readers, where do you keep your keys?

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