Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Steps to be safer when using internet

- Metro Creative Content

The world relies on computeriz­ed devices and the internet is as much as ever. As of the third quarter of 2019, there were more than 4.33 billion active internet users, according to DataReport­al.

That marked a 327 million user increase from the year prior. At 8.2 percent, the growth of active internet use is now eight times faster than the overall worldwide population growth.

The internet is used for profession­al, personal and educationa­l purposes. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the global reliance on the internet.

Without the internet, it would be much more challengin­g for people to work, go to school remotely and maintain connection­s with their loved ones during the pandemic.

As more time is spent online, it is essential that all internet users refresh their memories on safety practices.


The first step toward safety is to use a secure connection. Your local internet connection can be a weak point that allows data to be compromise­d. Use a password-protected router and Wi-Fi connection to improve security.


VPN stands for virtual private network. When you use a VPN, it encrypts all data from the moment it leaves your computer, tablet or other device and enters the internet. It provides an extra layer against hackers, and also can provide secure access to the internet even if you are using public WiFi, according to Kapertsky security products.


When creating passwords for accounts, do not share them, and also select unique, complicate­d passwords. Include a mix of numbers, symbols and letters. Avoid using the same passwords for multiple accounts. Longer passwords are always stronger; consider using a favorite quote or song line.


This security feature makes accounts even safer by requiring an extra step before you can log into an account.

One example of multifacto­r authentica­tion is the random generation of a code that must be entered in addition to the password before an account can be accessed.


There are many lingering risks online, including viruses, spyware bots, Trojan horses, and phishing attacks, according to Microsoft. Always think before opening attachment­s or clicking on links.

 ?? METRO CREATIVE CONTENT ?? Remaining safe when using the internet is even more important as profession­als, students and the general public find themselves relying on online services more and more.
METRO CREATIVE CONTENT Remaining safe when using the internet is even more important as profession­als, students and the general public find themselves relying on online services more and more.

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