Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

A selection of text messages allegedly made by Dunne and her 17-year-old victim


Editor’s Note: The following are text messages allegedly from former Downingtow­n School Resource Officer Stefanie Dunne to the 17-year-old male victim, and from him to her.

04/19/2019 14:20 Dunne to Victim: I did it so you better be in love

04/19/2019 14:52 Dunne to Victim: What did you eat

04/19/2019 14:52 Victim to Dunne: you last night

04/19/2019 15:00 Victim to Dunne: lol how about I’ll eat if you do something for me 04/19/2019 15:00 Dunne to Victim: I already did, last night

04/27/2019 11:40 Dunne to Victim: Good morning love, I’m so happy you slept well, see I can do magical things!!! I’m gonna take a shower and then leave to come get you

5/4/2019 9:23 AM - from Victim to Dunne - Good morning I love you soo much you made everything goo away an brought me to my magical special bright world where I know you love me and want to grow with me hope everything that you have planned today goes smooth and you know they love you for it

5/4/2019 2:14 PM - From Dunne to Victim - So I was just listening to the radio and our song came on and I was soooooo smiling! Also, did you leave your phone charger in my car??

5/4/2019 2: 15 PM - From Victim to Dunne - That’s good hunny an yeah I did I’m sorry I forgot be that was very peaceful an risking you to a happier relaxing place where we’re both free at last and able to go explore life by each mothers sides in each other’s arms and hearts f miss you I got groceries for the week and a couple new tools for throughout the week I just started using my own

5/4/2019 2:16 PM - From Dunne to Victim - That’s awesome baby! So will you be ready for me around 6?

5/4/2019 2:17 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Looking forward too it love hope your doing ok and everything is doing good I miss your touch an feeling you inside makes me feel peaceful and like I’m complete

5/4/2019 2:23 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Me too love, and I’m actually in an extremely good mood today! Probably because I was with you last night and I know I’ll be with you soon, lo!

5/4/2019 2:27 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Yeah baby yesterday was like I was set free of my pain and I felt loved an really needed an I relay needed you it’s like when I’m with you I’m free alive an truly whole an wanting to grow an just be by your side loving you having each other guiding protecting an listening and understand­ing each other in the ways we do because when we love nothing can stop us

5/4/2019 2:29 PM - From Dunne to Victim - I think that’s why I’m feeling so happy today

5/4/2019 2:29 PM - From Victim to Dunne - I hope soo

5/4/2019 2:29 PM - From Dunne to Victim - It is baby, it’s real it’s a thing

5/4/2019 2:30 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Yeah it’s a real thing alright I need all of you as close to me as you can an having you know how much I love you and how I never wanna leave you and soo was that you admitting that.

5/4/2019 2:40 PM- From Dunne to Victim -Maybe 5/4/2019 2 :40PM - From Victim to Dunne - Lol

5/4/2019 2:40 PM - From Victim to Dunne - It alright I already knew that

5/14/2019 2:46 PM From Dunne to Victim - Ok good lol

5/4/2019 4:09 PM - From Victim to Dunne - I’m going to get my hair cut layered off and evened up a bit an I’ll be easy for you if you still want me or have time to be able to sec me when your ready I hope you know how much I love you an how much I just want to grow with you continue being you special connected one who understand­s you listens to you an just holds you go be free and escaped

5/14/2019 4:09 PM From Victim to Dunne - And that everything is going smoothly an no deep problems but love an support

5/4/2019 4:11 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Ok baby, but do NOT get it all cut off, I love your hair and I still need to be able to put my hands through it. And of course I still want you, I can’t wait to come see you and kiss your face. I just have to wait to pick up at 5:30 and drop her home. Then I’ll come meet you

5/4/2019 4:12 PM - From Victim to Dunne - I’ll guess you’ll stay guessing and wondering like your hands an ok sounds like a plan I love you forever and always

5/4/2019 4:12 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Love you too. Where should I get you

5/4/2019 4:12 PM - From Victim to Dunne - End of my driveway ok?

5/4/2019 4:13 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Ok I’ll text you when I’m close

5/4/2019 5:29 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Sounds good baby I Miss you an love you soo much when I see you my heart drops and I right away become smart loved and true to myself an who I am you make me soo peaceful an soo complete I hope you never leave my side

5/4/2019 5:40 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Ok baby I’m on my way. Can you meet me at the church in like 20 min?

5/4/2019 5:40 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Baby I’m not walking live trust me please just come to the end of my driveway that we be such a love my body hurts I need you to take care of me a rub if softly kiss it

5/4/2019 5:42 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Walk further down the street

5/4/2019 5:42 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Please

5/4/2019 5 :43 PM - From Dunne to Victim - I’m gonna come from the other end of you street anyway

5/4/2019 5:44 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Why are you so worried they don’t follow me or every notice me they don’t love m work care how I feel or what I’m doing here no focus is on me I’m not important or thought off here but sure love

5/4/2019 5:45 PM - From Dunne to Victim- Pleeaaase.

5/4/2019 5:45 PM - From Victim to Dunne - I said yes right now at this very moment you want me to leave ?

5/4/2019 5:46 PM - From Dunne to Victim - Not yet. In like 15 min

5/4/2019 5:46 PM - From Victim to Dunne - Ok sounds good love an we’re you just begging me I was invisionjn­g that maybe I shouldn’t listen

5/4/2019 5:47 PM - From Dunne-to Victim - LoL bad!

05/05/2019 1:23 AM Victim to Dunne: Had a great night with you being able to feel how much you truly loved me and able to be free and let goo even tho it was crazy and we both just want each an just to able to somethings we just can’t change or resolve but what we can do is accept an grow on with are Jove an how powerful that is in between us when I look at you my heart wrings and stops.

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