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- Dear Abby

Aries (March 21-April 19):

You tend to put pressure on yourself. Some of it is appropriat­e and is absolutely what you need to succeed; some of it is totally unnecessar­y. Today you’ll figure out the difference.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

There are three kinds of luck: the kind you are born into, the kind you stumble into and the kind you make by putting yourself in situations with great potential. Of course, you can only really control the last kind. And you will today!

Gemini (May 21-June 21):

Happiness doesn’t always make you smile. Sometimes it makes you holler, sometimes it makes you cry and sometimes it dumbfounds you into a state of perfect, blissful neutrality.

Cancer (June 22-July 22):

You figure out that you simply don’t need as much as you thought you would, so you can let go and watch your energy level rise. Also, your connection with a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittariu­s) will raise your energy.

Thinking back to your behavior from your younger days will make you cringe. Years from now, you’ll cringe about something you did just yesterday. But it’s all growth, trying and learning. Stay light, laugh, forgive and keep going.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Friends and stories will be the great treasure of your day. You’ll be surprised by what some people remember about your times together and this will add to your own recollecti­ons.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23):

Time can seem like a bully. But bullies can be stopped. Stand up to time — show it who’s boss. Take control of your schedule by filling it with what you want to do instead of reacting to every petty demand that’s made of you.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21):

You know when people say they’re ready, but then it turns out that they are not ready at all? It irritates you so much that you’ll take extra measures today just to make sure you’re not “that person.”

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Sometimes the conditions are perfect for slipping into a sweet spot of productivi­ty. Then there are days like today, when you have to practicall­y bribe yourself to get your head in the game. Hey — that’s not a bad idea!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

You’ve seen time and again how apparently small and trivial events can have disproport­ionately influentia­l consequenc­es. Today will present another instance of this, though it will take you months to detect the moment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

You’re really not sure where the next lucky break is coming from — the last one was so long ago that you’re starting to forget it. This is a fine time to arrange for yourself to be in as many potential hot spots as you can foresee.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

There’s a point in which trying too hard to change a negative behavior becomes an even more negative behavior. Obsessing over improvemen­t is not improvemen­t. Try self-compassion and acceptance.

To write to Holiday Mathis, visit www.creators.com/author/ holiday-mathis and click “Contact.” DEAR ABBY » I have a son from a previous relationsh­ip, and have been in a relationsh­ip with a man I’ll call Bryan for a year. Not long ago, Bryan confided to me that he and his brother had been molested by a female relative. I don’t know her. I have only met his parents.

This female relative has been asking about my son on social media because she has seen him in pictures with Bryan’s family. I want to tell her to back off, but so far, I have held off. I’m afraid if I do, I will cause problems because his parents don’t know what I know.

My protective instinct has become very alert. I may be wrong, but I feel like she sees my son as a future target. What should I do?

— Mama bear

DEAR MAMA BEAR » Listen to your protective instinct. Talk with Bryan and tell him the woman’s questions are of concern to you, that you don’t want her to have any informatio­n about or contact with your child, and then make sure your wishes are respected. If she receives any message to back off, it should come from him, not you.

DEAR ABBY » On behalf of all new moms, please help with this question. Why does every woman in the world, it seems, feel entitled to ask new moms if they are breastfeed­ing their babies? How should new moms respond politely to this question? If you say yes, you may or may not be lying. If you say no, you will be judged. If you give an evasive answer, people will assume you are not and you will be judged as well. It seems to me that all substances excreted by the body should be off limits in social situations.

— My business in Texas

DEAR MY BUSINESS » Judgmental people can get to you only if you allow it. While there are valid reasons why babies should be breastfed, it isn’t always possible, and women should not be quizzed by strangers about whether they are.

My mother used to advise readers who were put off by prying questions to say, “If you will forgive me for not answering that question, I’ll forgive you for asking.” Even though you asked for a polite retort, in a situation like this, MY response would be, “If that were any of your business, you would already know the answer!”

DEAR ABBY » A couple years ago, when we moved to a home with more privacy than our previous home, my husband decided to walk around naked all the time. It’s not that I’m a prude, but I don’t find his furry 60-year-old body attractive in broad daylight. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I have asked him many times to please put something on, and he either ignores me or gets mad. I avert my eyes when he’s sashaying by me. Is there anything else I can do to reason with him?

— Seen enough already

DEAR SEEN ENOUGH » Probably not. Since you can’t change him, why not join him one day a week? You have nothing to lose but your clothes — and it might solve the problem.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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