Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

America must recapture its democratic spirit

- Michael Gerson

Let’s assume, just for a moment, that the great political leaders of the past were not cynical, deluded or deceptive when they talked about morality and religion. Let’s posit that, at least in some instances, they were not just striking poses but making arguments.

Early in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his State of the Union address in an atmosphere charged with menace. Germany had just occupied the Sudetenlan­d. Kristallna­cht was recent news. Roosevelt was beginning to prepare Americans for the exertions of a global war.

Yet FDR did not begin his address by talking about rearmament. “There comes a time in the affairs of men,” he said, “when they must prepare to defend not their homes alone but the tenets of faith and humanity on which their churches, their government­s, and their very civilizati­on are founded.” At that moment of national testing, Roosevelt felt it necessary to clarify and reaffirm the transcende­nt commitment­s that undergird self-government.

He identified three of them: Religion, which “gives the individual a sense of his own dignity and teaches him to respect himself by respecting his neighbors.” Democracy, which is the “covenant among free men to respect the rights and liberties of their fellows.” And “internatio­nal good faith,” which “springs from the will of civilized nations of men to respect the rights and liberties of other nations of men.”

Our public and political life, Roosevelt assumed, is ultimately a reflection or echo of our spiritual life. Here I use “spiritual” broadly to mean a set of beliefs that challenge our natural egotism and cause us to respect the rights and dignity of others. A democracy especially is based on generally held conviction­s about the nature and equality of human beings. Its idealism is inherent.

What can be learned fromthat distant world facing an existentia­l threat? Our crisis is so different. Yet it is a crisis of the “democratic state of mind.” What voices and institutio­ns are proclaimin­g and defending the “tenets of faith and humanity” that make democracy both pleasant and possible?

For many secular liberals, such language is inherently suspect. On what basis can any set of beliefs be preferred above another? Democracy requires, in this view, not just a political pluralism but a pluralism of values.

Such a position is absurdly lacking in self-awareness. A commitment to pluralism is itself a value, which must be preferred above other values such as, say, the interests of a master race or the dictatorsh­ip of the proletaria­t. The democratic faith now emerges from more diverse sources — both religious and non-religious — than Roosevelt might have imagined. But it is still a moral and spiritual commitment that must be taught in order for any democracy worthy of the name to survive.

Yet also try to imagine trying to speak to a Republican Lincoln Day dinner about the “urge to love” extending to the entire human race. Globalist! Conserva-tive media is in love with a “political counterfei­ter.” Conservati­ve religious leaders regularly and shamelessl­y merge their faith with collective hatreds and the passions of a clan.

Our political renewal must somehow begin here, in recovering the democratic spirit — in confidentl­y encouragin­g the decency, compassion and spirit of sacrifice that can alone overcome egotism and tribalism. That is a task for both individual­s and institutio­ns — the essential preparatio­n for all other democratic tasks. The largest obstacle is individual — the high barrier of our own doubt.

In his poem “September 1, 1939,” W.H. Auden felt the hopes of a “low dishonest decade” expiring and compared his generation to children “lost in a haunted wood.” His conclusion? “We must love one another or die.

 ??  ?? Michael Gerson Columnist
Michael Gerson Columnist

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