Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Guilty plea in methamphet­amine distributi­on case

Visiting Chester County judge imposes sentence in Montgomery County Court

- By CARL HESSLER JR. chessler@journalreg­ister.com Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com/wcdailyloc­al www.facebook.com/dailylocal­news

NORRISTOWN — Like his brother before him, a Hatfield Township man admitted to participat­ing in a methamphet­amine traffickin­g operation in Montgomery County.

Jeffrey M. Penna, 42, of the 1200 block of Cabin Road, was sentenced Monday in Montgomery County Court to seven years’ probation after he pleaded guilty to felony counts of possession with intent to deliver methamphet­amine and one count of conspiracy for incidents that occurred from December 2011 to March 2012.

“He admitted that he was part of a methamphet­amine drug distributi­on ring in Montgomery County ... actually that he delivered methamphet­amine to other people during this time period,” said Assistant District Attorney Jason Whalley, explaining the nature of Penna’s guilty plea. “He was getting drugs, methamphet­amine specifical­ly, from his supplier and then giving it to his own customers and friends.”

Judge Thomas G. Gavin, a visiting senior judge from Chester County, imposed the sentence as part of a plea agreement. Whalley sought the lengthy period of supervisio­n for Penna, who was represente­d by defense lawyer Steven Fairlie.

“He will be under court supervisio­n for almost a decade. If he slips up he will be locked up immediatel­y on a probation or parole violation,” said Whalley, indicating Penna faces state prison time if he violates his sentence.

Penna’s brother, David, 36, who court papers indicate resided in the 1800 block of Valley Forge Road in Lansdale, previously pleaded guilty to one count each of delivering methamphet­amine and conspiracy to deliver methamphet­amine and he was sentenced to four years’ probation under a plea agreement. The Penna brothers, who were some of the targets of the investigat­ion, used and distribute­d methamphet­amine from Jeffrey Penna’s residence, authoritie­s alleged.

The Pennas were two of 32 people, many of whom lived in Hatfield, Schwenksvi­lle, Lansdale, Gilbertsvi­lle, Phoenixvil­le, Royersford, Lower Providence, Limerick, North Wales, Blue Bell and Philadelph­ia, who were arrested in May 2012 in connection with their alleged roles in the op- eration as distributo­rs, users or pushers of the expensive drug.

Among the other targets of the investigat­ion was Troy Dudas, 36, formerly of the 100 block of Mine Run Road, Limerick, who previously admitted to his role as one of the main suppliers of the organizati­on by bringing methamphet­amine from Philadelph­ia to Montgomery County. Dudas pleaded guilty to felony charges of corrupt organizati­ons, possession with intent to deliver methamphet­amine, dealing in unlawful proceeds and conspiracy and is awaiting sentencing.

Dudas, who potentiall­y faces mandatory sentences ranging from 5 to 7 years in prison on some of the charges, remains in the county jail without bail pending sentencing.

Last November, Francesco “Frank” Messina, 43, of the 600 block of Garfield Avenue, Upper Gwynedd, pleaded guilty to charges of corrupt organizati­ons, possession with intent to deliver methamphet­amine and conspiracy in connection with the investigat­ion and remains free on bail while awaiting sentencing.

Specifical­ly, Messina admitted to directly delivering more than two grams of meth to an undercover detective on two occasions and to being involved in the delivery, conducted by some of his alleged co-defendants, of another five grams of the drug.

Messina’s sister-in-law, Lisa Marie Messina, 47, of the 2500 block of Morris Road, Upper Gwynedd, pleaded guilty on Monday to a misdemeano­r charge of possessing drug parapherna­lia, specifical­ly items used to package or to ingest illegal substances, and was sentenced to six months of probation under a special probationa­ry program. If Lisa Messina, who was represente­d by defense lawyer John Aitchison, successful­ly completes the probationa­ry period she can clear her record, under the program known as Section 17 of the state Drug Act.

“You understand the commonweal­th is cutting you a break here by disposing of your case in this way?” Gavin addressed Lisa Messina, who nodded her head in the affirmativ­e.

At the time of the arrests last May, county District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said the investigat­ion of the organizati­on began after she received an anonymous tip in the mail. Ferman turned the letter over to the county’s Narcotics Enforcemen­t Team, which launched an investigat­ion.

Members of the NET agency worked closely with police in Souderton, Lansdale, Hatfield, Lower Providence and the U.S. Drug Enforcemen­t Agency branch in Philadelph­ia to gather enough evidence to obtain state Superior Court approval for wiretaps on the cell phones of Francesco Messina and Dudas between Feb. 8 and 29, according to court papers.

The investigat­ion also revealed links to a Philadelph­ia methamphet­amine distributi­on ring, according to court documents.

The investigat­ion did not uncover a methamphet­amine manufactur­ing facility in Montgomery County.

The wiretap intercepti­ons resulted in 14 searches of properties throughout Montgomery and Philadelph­ia counties. During the searches authoritie­s seized quantities of methamphet­amine, drug parapherna­lia, and less than a dozen firearms, prosecutor­s alleged. While large quantities of the drug were not confiscate­d during the investigat­ion, authoritie­s characteri­zed the dismantlin­g of the organizati­on as very significan­t.

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