Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

No, 100,000 deaths is not ‘very good’

- Dana Milbank Columnist

Dana Milbank wonders whether President Trump is acting in the country’s best interest amid the virus pandemic.

The synchronic­ity was impressive. A few minutes before noon last Tuesday, the head of the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Washington tweeted a video proclaimin­g that “we’re going to have a huuuuuuge celebratio­n in a few weeks.” He was apparently referring to the hotel’s plan, announced days before the District closed its restaurant­s, for a “spectacula­r Easter brunch buffet in our grand lobby.”

Did he know something the rest of us didn’t?

Three minutes later, the White House began a Fox News “virtual town hall,” in which President Trump announced his desire to return Americans to work — “by Easter.” He envisioned “packed churches all over our country.”

And a packed brunch at the Trump Internatio­nal!

This would have been a godsend for the Trump Organizati­on. As The Washington Post had reported the previous evening, Trump’s business had shuttered six of its top seven top clubs and hotels. But reopening workplaces as the virus raged would have been catastroph­ic for the country, potentiall­y killing more than 2 million. Mercifully, Trump’s public health advisers prevailed.

It wasn’t the first time Trump’s actions have left some question about whether he’s doing what’s best for the country or what’s best for him. At a time when Trump seems detached from the suffering, several presidenti­al pandemic actions benefit his business, his campaign or his personal standing.

On Sunday, Trump’s public health advisers said that even with strict countermea­sures, deaths from the coronaviru­s in the United States could be between 100,000 and 200,000 — worse than even the worst-case scenarios just a month ago, and a spectacula­r failure of leadership for a president who claimed “we have it totally under control.” By comparison, about 3,000 people died in the Sept. 11 attacks and about 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam.

But Trump reasoned that, because 2.2 million Americans could die without any attempt at controllin­g the virus, “if we can hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 — it’s a horrible number — maybe even less, but to 100,000, so, we have between 100,000 and 200,000, we all together have done a very good job.”

How does a human being use the phrase “a very good job” in contemplat­ion of the deaths of 100,000 to 200,000 souls?

Trump seemed more moved by the number of people watching him. He tweeted Sunday that “the ‘ratings’ of my News Conference­s etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the @nytimes.”

And it’s not just the briefings where Trump has used the pandemic to promote himself. A taxpayer-funded mass mailing from the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was labeled, in bold, capital letters, “PRESIDENT TRUMP’S CORONAVIRU­S GUIDELINES FOR AMERICA.” Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign injects oblique references to the crisis in its fundraisin­g messages. “Our Nation is facing uncharted territory,” says one encouragin­g donors to become a “Gold Card Member.”

Political considerat­ions seem to color humanitari­an decisions. Wearing a “Keep America Great” cap during a CDC tour earlier this month, Trump said he wanted those stranded on the Grand Princess cruise ship to “stay on” the ship because “our numbers are going to go up” if stricken passengers were counted in U.S. case totals.

And Trump has seemed less preoccupie­d with the human toll than with who might be blamed. He has repeatedly said the virus is “nobody’s fault,” even as he blames China and the Obama administra­tion. “The Democrats’ single talking point ... is that it’s Donald Trump’s fault, right?” he said. “No, just things that happened.”

Of more consequenc­e: Trump gives the impression he’s playing politics with medical supplies. While Democrat-run states with major outbreaks have been desperate for supplies, Florida, a must-win state for Trump with a Republican governor, got everything it asked for. Though New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pleads for ventilator­s, Trump said: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilator­s.” Trump even suggested New York hospital workers were selling masks on the black market.

After Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, complained that medical supplies the state received from the national stockpile was “barely enough to cover one shift,” Trump dismissed her as a “woman governor” and “‘Half’ Whitmer.” He said Whitmer and Washington state’s Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, who had also complained, are insufficie­ntly “appreciati­ve,” adding: “If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”

Democrats were sufficient­ly concerned that Trump would spend stimulus funds on his own business (he hadn’t ruled that out) to add a provision blocking him. But his business still could benefit from loans and tax breaks in the package, just as it benefits from Trump’s successful campaign to get the Federal Reserve to drop interest rates.

This week, Trump directed his administra­tion to begin work “immediatel­y” on restoring tax breaks for corporate meals and entertainm­ent. That would do nothing to help with the current crisis. But it would be a long-term windfall for somebody who owns restaurant­s and hotels.

Dana Milbank is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group.

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