Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Even Trump doesn't know what Trump is doing

- Dana Milbank Columnist Dana Milbank is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group

Columnist Dana Milbank doubts the president fully understand­s the impacts of his executive actions.

House Speaker Paul Ryan could not have been more clear.

After meeting with his Republican caucus Wednesday morning on the first day back from their long summer break, he declared at a news conference that Democrats’ call for a three-month extension of the government’s borrowing limit was “ridiculous.”

“That’s ridiculous and disgracefu­l, that they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment,” he repeated. He called it “unworkable,” said it would jeopardize hurricane relief and called out Democratic leaders by name for promoting what “I don’t think is a good idea.”

About an hour later, Ryan and other GOP leaders sat in the White House with President Trump, who told them he wants ... a three-month increase of the debt ceiling, just as Democrats proposed.

Such chaos and confusion at the highest level of American government hadn’t been seen since, well, the day before.

On Tuesday, even as the administra­tion announced that it was ending protection from deportatio­n for the 800,000 “dreamers” — mostly young people who know no country but America — there were signs that Trump had no idea what he was doing. “As late as one hour before the decision was to be announced, administra­tion officials privately expressed concern that Mr. Trump might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take, and when he discovered their full impact, would change his mind,” Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis of The New York Times reported, citing an anonymous source.

Sure enough, Trump fired off a tweet Tuesday night that revised his position. He called on Congress to “legalize” the dreamers program and vowed to “revisit this issue” if Congress can’t.

Even Trump’s close advisers seem to have little knowledge of, much less control over, what he says and does.

Trump has signaled that he wants to end a free-trade deal with South Korea, even though his national security adviser, his defense secretary and the director of the National Economic Council all object. He and Defense Secretary James Mattis have contradict­ed each other about whether to talk with North Korea. Chief of Staff John Kelly’s attempts to tone down Trump’s antics have reportedly led Trump to escalate his attacks — on Kelly. Trump has publicly criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions and repeatedly contradict­ed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner have let it leak that Trump ignored their advice on Charlottes­ville and other matters.

The unreliabil­ity of Trump has put an unusual burden on Congress, which is illequippe­d to bear it.

Outside the House caucus gathering the morning after Trump’s immigratio­n announceme­nt, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, an immigratio­n hard-liner, angrily opposed legislativ­e action for the dreamers, saying they can “live in the shadows” and demanding GOP leaders not “divide our conference over an amnesty act.”

Minutes later, Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., took the opposite view, threatenin­g to use a “discharge petition” with Democrats to force a vote on protecting the dreamers if the House doesn’t act.

Ryan put the responsibi­lity right back on Trump for the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) legislatio­n. “We will not be advancing legislatio­n that does not have the support of President Trump, because we’re going to work with the president on how to do this legislatio­n,” he said. Sens. Marco Rubio, RFla., and Lindsey Graham, RS.C., urged Trump to lead.

But what does Trump support?

“We love the dreamers . ... We think the dreamers are terrific,” Trump said last week, four days before putting them in jeopardy of deportatio­n.

“I have a great heart for the folks we are talking about, a great love for them,” Trump said on the same day his administra­tion announced the end of protection for the dreamers.

What does the president want? Nobody knows — not his advisers, not his fellow Republican­s in Congress, and probably not Trump himself.

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