Daily Democrat (Woodland)

Prepare today for next major earthquake



It’s the only appropriat­e response to an updated United States Geological Survey study of the likely aftermath of a 7.0 earthquake along the Hayward Fault.

That and a renewed sense of urgency of the need for Bay Area and other Northern California residents to renew efforts to prepare for the inevitable.

We know that the last major earthquake on the Hayward Fault occurred in 1868 — 153 years ago. We also know that, on average, dating back to the year 1134, the fault produces a major earthquake roughly every 150 years. So, yes, we’re overdue. And there’s no time to lose in getting ready for an earthquake that USGS earthquake geologist emeritus David Schwartz calls a “tectonic time bomb” that is “just waiting to go off.”

Longtime Bay Area residents will recall the damage caused by the Loma Prieta earthquake, which struck on Oct. 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m., as people were heading home for Game 3 of the Bay Bridge World Series between the Giants and A’s. The 6.9 earthquake resulted in 63 deaths, mostly from the collapse of the double-decked Nimitz Freeway, injured more than 3,700, destroyed 366 businesses and 11,000 homes and caused $6 billion in property damage.

It’s sobering to recall that the 1989 earthquake’s epicenter was near Loma Prieta Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains, roughly 60 miles from Oakland. USGS geologists call the Hayward Fault the single most urbanized earthquake fault in the United States, with about 2.5 million people living along the fault line.

It’s not just homes, apartment buildings and businesses that are at risk. The Hayward Fault runs along a major transit corridor complete with freeways, highways, roads, streets and rail lines. Miles and miles of critical gas and water pipelines and electrical transmissi­on lines will be tested.

The USGS update adds 180 pages to the 600-age 2018 report. The authors outline a Hayward Fault earthquake scenario that could result in property damage losses of more than $82 billion and 800 fatalities. The report indicates that a 1% addition to constructi­on costs “could increase the percentage of occupiable homes and workplaces from 75% to 95% following a large earthquake” in the region.

The USGS envisions in its scenario that cell phone service would be knocked out for 93% of the users in the immediate area and that communicat­ions would be scrambled for emergency response teams.

When it comes to earthquake­s, too many of us know they are inevitable but still fail to make adequate preparatio­ns.

It’s time to take action. No more waiting. No more excuses.

We can reduce the damage of a major earthquake by making adequate precaution­s. No more procrastin­ation. Get prepared. Today.

“USGS geologists call the Hayward Fault the single most urbanized earthquake fault in the United States, with about 2.5 million people living along the fault line.

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