Custer County Chief

Fair board discusses Mid-States contract


BROKEN BOW - Discussion on contract details between the Custer County Ag Society Board and the Mid-States Rodeo Associatio­n took up a good portion of last Thursday’s Ag Society meeting. Details such as sponsor tickets, stall clean up, wood shavings, hay, a big screen and volunteer help were discussed between the board and Jason Schnoor, MSRA President. Mid-States Rodeo Finals will be held in September at the Custer County Fairground­s.

The board approved an easement for the

Custer Economic Developmen­t Corporatio­n (CEDC) for trenching to connect two lift stations for new housing north of Memorial Drive.

Tanya Storer spoke briefly to the board about running for District 43 Legislativ­e seat. “I like good policy,” she said. “It’s about finding efficiency and stopping the growth of government.” She was asked questions about branding and

EIDs. “I am concerned about EIDs,” she said. “Are we trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist?”

Troy Walz with Custer County Extension said fair premium books would be available within a week. Casey Cooksley, board president, suggested landscape cleanup around the 4-H Building, asking if a 4-H Club could perhaps take care of it.

Present for the May 9 meeting were Steve Horn, Casey Cooksley, Rod Lamb, Bonnie Winters, Desirei Cook and Shane Ryan. Not present were Charmayne Popp and Marla Stallbaume­r.

The next meeting is June 13.

If you would like to list your community’s Memorial Day ceremony in the May 23 Chief, email the community, date, time and location to chiefnews@ custercoun­ or call 308-872-2471 by noon, Monday, May 20.

Informatio­n received after 12 noon Monday is not guaranteed to be printed. Thank you.

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