Custer County Chief

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The feeling of being #1.

Over the course of this past school year, we have reported on teams capturing the #1 spot in athletics along with students excelling in speech, academics and FFA. Now we are getting ready for the final upcoming weekend of #1 with athletes qualifying for state track and state golf.

In 10, 20 or even 50 years, the students who graduated and the students still competing will work to reach the #1 spot as they go through life.

On Tuesday, when I went to vote, I got to be #1! That is, the first voter in my voting district! I did not have to practice for hours. I did not have sore legs or arms, I did not have to travel miles to compete. I just needed to check out the candidates ahead of time and know who my choice would be. I needed show up and fill in my circle. I will confess I was a few minutes late to work. Trust me, I will make up the time!

When the ladies working the polling place said I was #1, I had never been #1 voting before! It makes me proud I can have that #1 to my name this week!

You also know who is #1? The 70plus volunteers who man the voting stations so your vote counts and also the three individual­s working late to count the votes as they come in Tuesday night.

Many individual­s are #1. You might be the #1 driver for your children. You might be the #1 baker who friends and family count on for your delicious baked goods. You might be the #1 bread winner to provide food and shelter for your family.

Everyone is #1 in some shape or form; you don’t have to make the final push over the finish line or make that long putt to win your round. Be #1 in your mind each and every day!

 ?? Donnis Hueftle-Bullock ?? Pictured at right are four of the more than 70 volunteers working in the Custer County polling places in the primary election, May 14. From left are Jan Doggett, Cheryl Taylor, Tracy Popp and Bonnie Myers.
Donnis Hueftle-Bullock Pictured at right are four of the more than 70 volunteers working in the Custer County polling places in the primary election, May 14. From left are Jan Doggett, Cheryl Taylor, Tracy Popp and Bonnie Myers.
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