Connecticut Post

Voters decline to change Seymour First Selectman’s term

- By Michael P. Mayko

SEYMOUR — Voters rejected some major changes that could have affected the length and term of the First Selectman’s position and how the town’s budget is comprised and voted.

The vote to combine the municipal and board of education budget rather than leaving them separate on the referendum ballot was narrowly defeated 3,168 to 3,154.

“The results on the Charter Revision questions were disappoint­ing,” said Jen Magri, president of the Board of Education. “I was particular­ly disappoint­ed in the combined budget vote not passing though the result was very close (31 votes). The BOE and town have worked very hard to com- bine services where it makes sense and have put forth very reasonable budgets over the past several years. The commission felt it was an appropriat­e time to move to a single vote. “

The hottest issue was expected to be increasing the first selectman’s term from two to four years but limiting the individual to three consecutiv­e elections.

The proposal was endorsed this summer by First Selectman W. Kurt Miller who crossed the aisle to side with Stephan Behuniak, a Democratic member of the Board of Selectman, and Karen Stanek, another Democrat, in endorsing the proposal.

“From my personal perspectiv­e, three four-year terms — 12 years — is more than enough to accomplish what you set out to do,” Miller said at the time.

Apparently the voters did not agree. They voted 3,330 to 3,148 against the question.

They also rejected eliminatin­g the annual town meeting 3,732 to 1,571. Another advisory vote to study a town manager form of government was defeated 3,277 to 3,030.

Town residents also refused to replace the town’s elected Planning and Zoning Commission with a board appointed by the First Selectman. That vote was 4,067 against to 2,296 in favor.

“All seven selectmen and the nine members of the Charter Revision Commission thoroughly vetted out all these questions,” Behuniak said. “We were confident all would pass.”

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