China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Trump talks trade with Xi’s envoy

- By CHEN WEIHUA in Washington and ZHONG NAN and LI XIANG in Beijing

US President Donald Trump met with visiting Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He in the White House Oval Office on Thursday to exchange views on bilateral economic and trade relations.

Liu, as a special envoy for President Xi Jinping, extended Xi and first lady Peng Liyuan’s warm greetings to Trump and his wife Melania.

Trump expressed his thanks for the greetings and asked Liu to convey their well wishes to Xi and Peng.

Liu, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told Trump that China-US relations have achieved important and positive progress under the guidance of the two heads of the state.

He expressed that bilateral relations are now at an important stage, and both sides should implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders, meet each other halfway, respect each other and make concerted efforts to promote a healthy and stable bilateral relationsh­ip.

Trump said that he highly values the good working relationsh­ip and personal friendship with President Xi and he is willing to continue to maintain close contact with him to push forward US-China relations.

During the meeting, Trump and Liu engaged in a deep exchange of views on the bilateral economic and trade relationsh­ip. Liu said that his visit this time is to follow up on the consensus reached by the two heads of the state and to continue deepened exchange with the US side on bilateral economic and trade issues.

Liu, who is leading a Chinese delegation for trade talks in Washington, expressed that China is willing to work with the US to properly handle and solve bilateral economic and trade issues based on the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, and to ensure that bilateral economic and trade cooperatio­n continues to be the ballast and booster of China-US relations.

Trump said that it’s very important for the US and China to maintain a cooperativ­e relationsh­ip in economic and trade fields. He said that both the US and China have good economic momentum and enormous market potential, adding that there is huge space for bilateral economic and trade cooperatio­n.

The US president said he hopes that the two economic teams work together to actively resolve the issues in bilateral economic and trade relations. He said the two countries should strengthen trade and investment cooperatio­n in the energy and manufactur­ing sectors, expand agricultur­al trade and market access and bolster cooperatio­n in protecting intellectu­al property rights, to bring more practical benefits for the two peoples.

US Vice-President Mike Pence, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, US Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer and several other US officials also attended the meeting.

On Wednesday, Liu met with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady.

Liu wished Kissinger well on his upcoming 95th birthday on May 27.

Kissinger described US-China relations as consequent­ial for global peace and prosperity. He said managing bilateral relations requires strategic thinking and vision, adding that the two sides should strengthen strategic communicat­ion, further expand shared interests, properly manage difference­s and demonstrat­e leadership on global and regional issues.

In meeting with US lawmakers, Liu said that developing a long-term, healthy and stable relationsh­ip between China and the US is in the interest of both and is expected by the internatio­nal community.

Liu pointed out that China and the US have far more shared interests than difference­s, and bilateral relations will grow smoothly when the two countries properly handle each other’s core and major interests. Otherwise, they will be at odds.

In Beijing on Thursday, the Ministry of Commerce reiterated that the Sino-US trade relationsh­ip is driven by market forces and should conform to market economy rules.

“We will resolutely defend our own interests and will not make a deal at the cost of China’s core interests,” ministry spokesman Gao Feng said.

Gao said China is actively adjusting its industrial and trade structure and is expanding its imports from all countries, including the US, to better serve consumers’ demand for high-quality products.

The ministry said China also welcomes companies from around the world, including US companies, to develop businesses in China.

 ?? WANG YING / XINHUA ?? President Xi Jinping’s special envoy, Vice-Premier Liu He (right), meets in Washington on Wednesday with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger.
WANG YING / XINHUA President Xi Jinping’s special envoy, Vice-Premier Liu He (right), meets in Washington on Wednesday with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger.
 ??  ?? Screenshot of US President Donald Trump’s Twitter. Trump met with visiting Vice-Premier Liu He in the White House Oval Office on Thursday.
Screenshot of US President Donald Trump’s Twitter. Trump met with visiting Vice-Premier Liu He in the White House Oval Office on Thursday.

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