China Daily Global Edition (USA)

France picks new president

- By CONAL URQUHART in By WANGLondon KAIHAO conal@mail.chinadaily­

President-Elect Emmanuel Macron is seen on a giant screen near the Louvre museum after results were announced in the second round vote of the 2017 French presidenti­al elections, in Paris on Sunday.

Emmanuel Macron will be the next president of France after decisively defeating Marine Le Pen in Sunday's second-round run-off, according to early polling issued after voting closed at 8 pm local time.

Le Pen phoned Macron to congratula­te him, and he was also called by Theresa May, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, and received a message from German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Less than an hour after the polls closed, Macron told the AFP news agency: "A new page in our long history this evening. I would like it to be one of hope and of confidence rediscover­ed."

The centrist Macron is predicted to win 65.5 percent of the vote to right-winger Le Pen's 34.45 percent. The result shows that Macron did better than previous opinion polls suggested and that Le Pen's support deteriorat­ed during the last two weeks.

The election prediction is based on a broad sample of votes cast in around 200 locations and such polls tend to be very close to the actual result.

The 39-year old Macron will be the youngest president of France after a remarkable three years in which he has travelled from obscurity to the Elysee Palace. He has promised to reform the French economy, reduce the role of the state and cut unemployme­nt, all of which will require confrontin­g powerful vested interests.

Fears that Le Pen might do better because of some voters deciding to abstain did not materializ­e and a national and internatio­nal crisis that could have been precipitat­ed by a Le Pen victory was avoided. Le Pen wanted to pull out of the European Union and the euro, which would have damaged both institutio­ns.

Le Pen later slammed the parties that swung behind Macron in the second round after their own candidates were eliminated in the first round.

"The parties that backed Macron discredite­d themselves and lost legitimacy," Le Pen said. "The first round had a great decomposit­ion of the French political life and this is the second political rapprochem­ent between the patriots and the globalists."

She then suggested that she would create a new party which she wanted to be the main opposition to the new president, but gave no further details. She stepped down from the leadership of the Front National after the first round in order to focus on her bid.

Winning the presidency is only part one of the battle for Macron. The movement he set up to bolster his candidacy, En Marche (Onwards), has no elected representa­tives in the French Parliament and the new president will need a majority of members to advance his political program.

The French Fifth republic has been hampered on three occasions when a president of one party was forced to appoint a prime minister from a rival party. These periods of "cohabitati­on" meant the president and prime minister were often working against each other, rather than together.

Le Pen will tell her supporters at a rally in France that although she has lost, the result represents a victory for the National Front. In 2002, her father gained 17.8 per cent of the vote and she has raised that figure to 34.5. A National Front president in the future has become a real possibilit­y.

The party could transform Le Pen's 11 million votes into increased representa­tion in the French Parliament in the June parliament­ary elections but it will always face the obstacle of the two-round election system, in which many voters oppose more extreme candidates in the final round.

The result will be welcomed in Brussels and London. In Brussels, the EU will be relieved that a major threat to it and its currency has been removed for the time being.


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