China Daily Global Edition (USA)

China’s CO2 increase slows

- By JOSEPH BORIS in Washington

China remained the No 1 emitter of carbon-based pollution in 2012, even though its world-leading increase was among the smallest the country has recorded in the past decade, according to the Internatio­nal Energy Agency.

Globally, the IEA said on Monday in its annual World Energy Outlook, emissions of carbon dioxide increased 1.4 percent last year to a record 31.6 billion metric tons, despite reductions to mid-1990s levels by the United States, the second-biggest CO2 polluter.

China’s increase of 300 million tons, or 3.8 percent above levels of 2011, offset reduced US and European emissions, the Paris-based organizati­on said, adding to doubts about the chances the world’s government­s will limit global warming to what scientists regard as an acceptable level.

In noting that China’s yearon-year increase, in percentage terms, was less than half the 9.3 percent level set in 2011, the IEA credited continued investment in renewable energy and more-efficient, less-polluting systems that burn coal to generate electricit­y.

The energy industry accounts for about two-thirds of global emissions of CO2 and other carbon-trapping greenhouse gases, which scientists say are responsibl­e for climate change.

Climate scientists have said the rise in Earth’s average temperatur­e needs to be limited to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) this century to prevent climate effects catastroph­es such as crop failures, melted glaciers, flooding of coastal areas and islands, harm to drinking water, the spread of diseases and the extinction of species.

Keeping to within a 2-degree rise would require that emissions be kept to about 44 billion tons of CO2 equivalent by 2020 — a target sought in internatio­nal discussion­s. In Monday’s report, however, the IEA said the world is on course for an average temperatur­e rise of between 2.6 and 5.3 degrees C.

IEA warned that emissions were continuing to rise so fast that the world has little time left to replace the United Nations’ 2005 Kyoto protocol.

“Climate change has quite frankly slipped to the back burner of policy priorities. But the problem is not going away — quite the opposite,” said the agency’s executive director, Maria van der Hoeven.

Climate-change mitigation will be a key topic at the IEA’s biannual ministeria­l meeting in Paris in November, agency officials said on Monday. China will be among seven “key partner” countries, along with the 28 IEA members, at the November meeting.

According to IEA, CO2 emissions could be cut significan­tly by 2020 through improved energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transporta­tion; reduced use of coal-fired power plants; a halving of the oil and gas industry’s release of methane into the atmosphere; and gradual eliminatio­n of government subsidies to fossil-fuelburnin­g industries. The IEA has said necessary clean-energy investment­s now would cost about $1.5 trillion; after 2020, the cost of meeting climate targets would be $5 trillion.

Climate negotiator­s are meeting this week in Germany in hopes of setting targets for adoption by 2015 that would then go into effect by 2020. The main source of disagreeme­nt is how to allot emissions cuts between developed and developing countries, a group that includes China.

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