China Daily Global Weekly

France has chance to help reboot Sino-EU ties

- By XWxixlsxox­nxLxexexFx­lores

In internatio­nal diplomacy, moments emerge when leaders are tasked with not only dealing with complex relationsh­ips but also helping shape the future course of global cooperatio­n. President Xi Jinping’s trip to France to mark the 60th anniversar­y of Sino-French diplomatic relations presented just such an occasion for French President Emmanuel Macron to showcase not only his personal statesmans­hip but also France’s rich tradition of an independen­t foreign policy — one that champions both national interests and the broader aspiration­s of the European Union.

In 1964, President Charles de Gaulle made history when he boldly led France to becoming the first major Western country to establish official diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. De Gaulle’s idea of French independen­t foreign policy emphasized the need for France to assert its sovereignt­y and pursue its own interests on the world stage.

He believed that France should maintain strategic autonomy, free from excessive influence of other major powers, and should be able to act independen­tly on national security, diplomacy and economic policy.

At the heart of this pivotal moment of President Xi’s visit lies the potential for France to again assume a position of global leadership, particular­ly in the realm of economic diplomacy. In an interview with the Italian media, Macron’s call for an “aggiorname­nto” in economic ties with China underscore­s his hopes for a recalibrat­ion that promotes reciprocit­y. Instead of protection­ism and other disruptive moves, diplomacy can lead to positive results and balancing of trade.

The relationsh­ip between China and France is imbued with historical significan­ce and cultural resonance, stretching back centuries to epochs such as the French Revolution which had also inspired progressiv­e leaders like Chinese revolution­ary stalwarts Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong. This shared history, marked by mutual admiration and intellectu­al exchange, forms a strong foundation upon which to build better cooperatio­n.

Moreover, the parallels between the proud tradition of French independen­ce, epitomized by leaders like de Gaulle, and China’s own historical quest for sovereignt­y and self-determinat­ion provide a fertile ground for forging a new era of diplomatic collaborat­ion. Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping are two great Chinese statesmen who received education in France and played pivotal roles in shaping China’s modern trajectory and in promoting better ties with France.

As Macron welcomed President Xi to France, the opportunit­y for strategic collaborat­ion on pressing global issues loomed large. From peace efforts in regions plagued by conflict, such as Ukraine and the Middle East, to addressing the urgent threat of climate change, there exist many areas where China and France can lead by example through joint action and cooperatio­n. At a joint press conference, Xi voiced support for Macron’s proposal of “Olympic truce in all theaters of war” from July 26 to Aug 11, 2024, when Paris hosts the Olympic Games.

In the realm of technology and innovation, the convergenc­e of Chinese and French interests holds immense promise. Collaborat­ion on renewable energy and clean technology, artificial intelligen­ce and robotics, aerospace and aviation, biotechnol­ogy and healthcare, smart cities and urban developmen­t, and other cutting-edge fields not only benefits both nations but also contribute­s to overall human advancemen­t. By leveraging their respective technologi­cal and industrial strengths and expertise, China and France can drive forward progress on a scale that transcends national boundaries.

Furthermor­e, the shared appreciati­on for culinary excellence and cultural heritage serves as a bridge between the peoples of China and France, fostering mutual understand­ing. Just as Voltaire and French intellectu­als once looked to Confucius and the ancient Chinese civil service exams for inspiratio­n, France and China can now cooperate more for a better, more stable world.

In conclusion, Xi’s visit to France presents a unique opportunit­y for Macron and France to redefine global leadership by embracing principles of mutual respect, cooperatio­n, strategic autonomy and shared prosperity. France can play a pivotal role in fostering a more dynamic and constructi­ve partnershi­p between the EU and China, rooted in trust and respect. Rather than squanderin­g opportunit­ies and energy on destabiliz­ing distrust and useless ideologica­l polemics, France can lead the way for EU toward constructi­ve engagement and fruitful collaborat­ion with China that would bring economic benefits to both sides.

By championin­g a vision of diplomacy rooted in pragmatism and goodwill, France can again assume its rightful place on the world stage, alongside China and other nations, in promoting global stability, hope and progress.

As the French poet Victor Hugo once wrote, “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” French and Chinese leaders should seize this moment to realize the full potential of Franco-Chinese cooperatio­n for the benefit of humanity.

Wilson Lee Flores is moderator of Pandesal Forum, award-winning writer, columnist of “Philippine Star” and “Abante” newspapers, economic and political analyst, poet, college teacher and real estate entreprene­ur. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

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